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Sorting results by service : Team Fortress 2
Wednesday, May 10th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Added - arena_watchtower
Updated - pl_phoenix_b1 > pl_phoenix_b3
Removed - arena_deadlock_a2
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Updated - pl_phoenix_b1 > pl_phoenix_b3
Monday, May 8th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
You're the last one alive is no longer played to the whole team
Rainbow Randomizer
In most arena modes where respawns are enabled, the announcer would play “You are the last one alive!” to the entire team rather to just the last living player.
Rcon tampering bans are now counted as normal bans via the ban system
Team Fortress 2
A crash bug with certain missions has been fixed
Source Store // Store update

Items added

Chat stuff

Name Tags
Caracal - 200 Credits
Caracal Female - 200 Credits
Caracal Male - 200 Credits
Kemono - 200 Credits
Kemono Female - 200 Credits
Kemono Male - 200 Credits
Serval - 200 Credits
Serval Female - 200 Credits
Serval Male - 200 Credits
Slugcat - 200 Credits
Slugcat Female - 200 Credits
Slugcat Male - 200 Credits
Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Added - cp_nixie_b0
Added - koth_fjord_rc1a
Added - pl_phoenix_b1
Removed - ctf_crasher
Removed - ctf_helltrain_event
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_sawmill_event
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_monster_bash
Removed - pd_scarab_rc6
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Removed - pl_sludgepit_event
Removed - plr_hacksaw_event
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Added - cp_nixie_b0
Added - koth_fjord_rc1a
Added - pl_phoenix_b1
Removed - ctf_crasher
Removed - ctf_helltrain_event
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_sawmill_event
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_monster_bash
Removed - pd_scarab_rc6
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Removed - pl_sludgepit_event
Removed - plr_hacksaw_event
Sunday, March 19th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Removed - koth_trainsawlaser_rc2
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Removed - koth_trainsawlaser_rc2
Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Updated - dr_bank_v12a > dr_bank_v13
Monday, March 13th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Removed one of the humiliation scenarios in dr_bank
Rainbow Bug Deathrun
For unknown reasons, the crocodile humiliation can cause server crashes, it has been removed as a potential scenario when choosing the humiliation ending.
PLR and HTF maps are now counted as stock modes
Rainbow Chocolate
The map vote system needs to know what modes are stock or silly so they don’t overlap votes when alternating
Fixed a missing notice about nominating maps
Chocolate Rainbow
When we’re on a map like CTF, and we want to nominate another CTF map, the nomination menu should explain why we can’t. However, this text string was in a file that kept getting overwritten. It has been moved to its own now.
Sunday, March 12th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed an issue where players did not spawn with Flamethrowers
Dodgeball Bug Rainbow
In a case where a player spawned as a class with a wearable primary, such as the Demoman boots, they did not spawn in with a flamethrower.
In Deathrun, ghosts can no longer teleport to the death player
Rainbow Deathrun Feature addition
Friday, March 10th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Default handler for invalid missions
MvM Front Line Fudge
Helper function to determine if the loaded mission is a problem and a list of default “safe” missions per map
Sunday, February 19th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Updated - koth_trainsawlaser_pro_rc1 > koth_trainsawlaser_rc2
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Updated - koth_trainsawlaser_pro_rc1 > koth_trainsawlaser_rc2
Tuesday, February 14th, 2023

Source Store // Store update

Items added

Chat stuff

Name Tags
Spotted Genet - 200 Credits
Spotted Genet Female - 200 Credits
Spotted Genet Male - 200 Credits
Saturday, February 11th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Removed - ctf_crasher
Removed - ctf_helltrain_event
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_sawmill_event
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_monster_bash
Removed - pd_scarab_rc6
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Removed - pl_sludgepit_event
Removed - plr_hacksaw_event
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Removed - ctf_crasher
Removed - ctf_helltrain_event
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_sawmill_event
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_monster_bash
Removed - pd_scarab_rc6
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Removed - pl_sludgepit_event
Removed - plr_hacksaw_event