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Sorting results by service : Team Fortress 2
Friday, January 20th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Maplist update
Updated - mvm_havana_b4 > mvm_havana_b4a
Updated - mvm_swirl_rc1 > mvm_swirl_rc4
Thursday, January 19th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Mission update
Added - mvm_havana_b4
Added - mvm_mannhattan_int_metroll_malice
Added - mvm_meltdown_rc5_int_power_palooza
Added - mvm_oilrig_rc5_int_petrolleum_pandemonium
Added - mvm_quetzal_rc5_int_return_to_monke
Added - mvm_silentsky_rc4_overlord_exp
Added - mvm_swirl_rc1_advanced
Added - mvm_swirl_rc1_expert
Added - mvm_waterlogged_rc4g_Advanced_Cold_Shoulder
Added - mvm_waterlogged_rc4g_Expert_BrainFreeze
Added - mvm_waterlogged_rc4g_Intermediate_FluFight
Added - mvm_waterlogged_rc4g_adv_frozen_solid
Added - mvm_waterlogged_rc4g_advanced_SilentSneeze
Added - mvm_yucatan_rc4
Removed - mvm_autumnull_rc2_rev_exp_codename_omega
Removed - mvm_bigrock_reverse_denominator
Removed - mvm_bigrock_reverse_numerator
Removed - mvm_cliffside_b8_adv_bionic_bits
Removed - mvm_cliffside_b8_rev_adv_scrapyard_slaughter
Removed - mvm_cliffside_b8_rev_exp_resolution
Removed - mvm_coaltown_rev_adv_computer_crash
Removed - mvm_cyberia_rc6a_rev_arctic_arrangement
Removed - mvm_downtown_final4b_rev_adv_gang_wars
Removed - mvm_ghost_town_adv_horrorsome_happenings
Removed - mvm_ghost_town_bison6man
Removed - mvm_goldpit_rc2_expert
Removed - mvm_hanami_rc1_rev_int_blossom_beginnings
Removed - mvm_hideout_b3_rev_adv_galois
Removed - mvm_isolation_rc3_rev_adv_glistening_glacier
Removed - mvm_isolation_rc3_rev_exp_desolated_death
Removed - mvm_kelly_rc1b_adv_mobocracy
Removed - mvm_mannworks_test
Removed - mvm_protown_rc1_bro_reverse_exp1
Removed - mvm_protown_rc1_bro_sig_mission
Removed - mvm_protown_rc1_robotic_revolt_ep1
Removed - mvm_rottenburg_rev_int_breaking_walls
Removed - mvm_rottenburg_rev_int_spanner_switchup
Removed - mvm_rustvalley_rc4_rev_exp_reclamation
Removed - mvm_rustvalley_rc4_robotic_revolt_ep2
Removed - mvm_sequoia_rc4_rev_adv_deforestation
Removed - mvm_sequoia_rc4_rev_exp_woodland_pollution
Removed - mvm_steep_rc3a_rev_adv_sentinel_searing
Removed - mvm_steep_rc3a_rev_int_seismic_shakeout
Removed - mvm_swirl_rc1_adv_highland_mountaineering
Removed - mvm_teien_rc6_rev_adv_shogun_slaughter
Removed - mvm_tensai_rc3_bro_exp1
Saturday, January 14th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed nukes not working on tfdb_crossing_b1a
Rainbow Bug Dodgeball
Neutral flags now show outlines on htf_townehouse
Rainbow Chocolate
Fixed Intelligence items floating above peoples heads randomly during CTF game modes
Chocolate Rainbow Bug
The issue was with how glow effects were being toggled during certain events, if your team had something happen to your intelligence when you were speaking, a lingering visible intelligence could be shown until you stopped talking. Similar situation during the end of a round for people with donator sprites.
Changed the behavior of glow effects on intelligence items
Rainbow Chocolate Bug Feature addition
Intelligence items had their player glows disabled in all cases. This ideally is only meant to happen during neutral CTF games because the intelligence would show visible lines to all players regardless of what team it was being carried by. In a normal case, only the teammates of the person carrying an intelligence can see their outline. Now, glows are only disabled in Neutral CTF games unless otherwise stated.
Thursday, January 12th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Removed - ctf_crasher
Removed - ctf_helltrain_event
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_sawmill_event
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_monster_bash
Removed - pd_scarab_rc6
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Removed - pl_sludgepit_event
Removed - plr_hacksaw_event
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Removed - ctf_crasher
Removed - ctf_helltrain_event
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_sawmill_event
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_monster_bash
Removed - pd_scarab_rc6
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Removed - pl_sludgepit_event
Removed - plr_hacksaw_event
Monday, January 9th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed CritChance event not working
Technically it fixed itself, but this was related to Prophunt and Spawn Protection not working right on Friday. No other issues happened because of this!
Friday, January 6th, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Added - ctf_crasher
Added - ctf_helltrain_event
Added - koth_meatside_a3a
Added - koth_sawmill_event
Added - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Added - koth_viaduct_event
Added - pd_monster_bash
Added - pd_scarab_rc6
Added - pl_fifthcurve_event
Added - pl_millstone_event
Added - pl_precipice_event_final
Added - pl_rumble_event
Added - pl_sludgepit_event
Added - plr_hacksaw_event
Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Added - ctf_crasher
Added - ctf_helltrain_event
Added - koth_meatside_a3a
Added - koth_sawmill_event
Added - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Added - koth_viaduct_event
Added - pd_monster_bash
Added - pd_scarab_rc6
Added - pl_fifthcurve_event
Added - pl_millstone_event
Added - pl_precipice_event_final
Added - pl_rumble_event
Added - pl_sludgepit_event
Added - plr_hacksaw_event
Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
"""Potentially""" fixed a crash on Randomizer
Randomizer Rainbow IMPORTANT
A crash on Randomizer that stopped us from playing it has potentially been fixed. I won’t be sure until we give it a proper test but I was able to reliably crash it with bots until I found/fixed the potential cause!

Monday, January 2nd, 2023

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed an issue that caused additional players (7-10) to not fully join the game and play
Bug Front Line Fudge MvM
Fixed a few invalid maps appearing on the vote menu
Bug Front Line Fudge
Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Mission update
Added - mvm_area_52_rc3_int_nuclear_threat
Added - mvm_cyberia_rc6a_adv_snowblitz
Added - mvm_decoy_exp_dissolution
Added - mvm_decoy_int_decimal_destruction
Added - mvm_dockyard_rc7_adv_malicious_malware
Added - mvm_dockyard_rc7_exp_overkill
Added - mvm_downtown_final4b_adv_entertainers_entourage
Added - mvm_estate_rc1_adv_eviction_notice
Added - mvm_ghost_town_adv_misfortunes
Added - mvm_ghost_town_int_phantasm
Added - mvm_havana_b4a_adv_fishermans_fury
Added - mvm_havana_b4a_int_rogue_gallery
Added - mvm_hideout_b3_exp_interloper
Added - mvm_mannhattan_adv_factory_reset
Added - mvm_mannhattan_exp_discordant
Added - mvm_mannworks_int_xlr-8
Added - mvm_nox_b3_adv_robotic_ravage
Added - mvm_nox_b3_adv_rusted_remnants
Added - mvm_nox_b3_exp_gruesome_garrison
Added - mvm_powerplant_rc1_exp_current_surge
Added - mvm_quetzal_rc5_adv_wilderness_warfare
Added - mvm_rottenburg_int_german_gears
Added - mvm_spacepost_rc1_adv_lunar_madness
Added - mvm_steep_rc3a_adv_fatal_error
Added - mvm_tensai_rc3_adv_wasabi_warzone
Added - mvm_waterfront_rc3_adv_watershed_waylay
Removed - mvm_area_52_rc3_Muta_click_adv2
Removed - mvm_area_52_rc3_Muta_click_exp1
Removed - mvm_bigrock_stop_that_tank
Removed - mvm_brugge_rc4b_Exp_Belgium_Heist
Removed - mvm_brugge_rc4b_exp_Vlaanderen
Removed - mvm_cliffside_b8_Exp_Leavenworth
Removed - mvm_cliffside_b8_rev_exp
Removed - mvm_cliffside_b8_rev_resolution
Removed - mvm_derelict_rc2_ironman
Removed - mvm_dockyard_rc7_spyware_shipping
Removed - mvm_downtown_final4b_entertainers_entourage
Removed - mvm_havana_b3
Removed - mvm_havana_b3_advanced
Removed - mvm_powerplant_rc1_power_palliative
Removed - mvm_waterfront_rc3_watershed_waylay
Thursday, December 22nd, 2022

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed a case where an invalid mission can be loaded if it is the default mission
MvM Front Line Fudge Bug
After a major TF2 update, Sigmod may break, meaning missions that rely on it will not work until it is fixed. We currently disable Sigmod missions from being voted on in this case, but previously there was nothing stopping the map from loading one if one happened to be the default. This caused the map to be stuck in a state where no mission could be played and needed to be voted off to a new map.

Now, in the event this occurs, this will be caught and a different mission will be loaded instead.
Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Removed - ctf_crasher
Removed - ctf_helltrain_event
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_sawmill_event
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_monster_bash
Removed - pd_scarab_rc6
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Removed - pl_sludgepit_event
Removed - plr_hacksaw_event
Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Removed - ctf_crasher
Removed - ctf_helltrain_event
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_sawmill_event
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_monster_bash
Removed - pd_scarab_rc6
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Removed - pl_sludgepit_event
Removed - plr_hacksaw_event