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Border Collie
Oct 05th
SCG Service member
A Professional Flair
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Discussion: Meet the good boys : Poe and Artemus! posted in SCG General

Running SCG is hard, there's so much to do! Luckily, I've hired some pretty good assistants~

This post is a WIP, I'll finish it soon!

Meet Poe and Arty!

Poe Stallmann - Postal worker

img{.right} Poe is our resident mail pupper, tasked with delivering mail and messages to the denizens of the SCG complex. By adding Poe to your Steam friends list, he can keep you informed of SCG events and announcements! He's also pretty handy in the Discord and Steam chat, posting announcements, reminders, notices and more!


!bone - Bone? BONE?!?
!bellyrub - Don't do it! D:
!chatinvite - I will invite you to our chatroom!
!corgifact - I will send you one random fact about us Corgis!
!commands - I'll show you a list of commands!
!discord - I'll invite you to our discord channel!
!dog - Yes hello!
!events - I will tell you of any upcoming events!
!feed [food] - It is very nice to feed a dog! But ... only when they're hungry ^//w//^;
!friend - Would you like to be my friend? :D
!help - Ditto to !commands
!hug - Dogs do like hugs! :3
!invite - I'll help you join SCG!
!mail - I'll show you what letters I have for ya!
!pet - Good dogs deserve pets!
!play - I'd love to play with ya! But wait for me to drop my toy at your feet!
!scgfact - I will tell you a random fact about SCG!
!servers [name] - I'll tell you about a server, and invite you to it too!
!song - I'll give you a random song!
!updates - I'll give you the latest SCG server updates!
!whatsup - I'll tell you what's going on and whatever is on my mind!
!who - I'll tell you about myself!

Artemus MÅ‚ynarczyk - Head of security

img{.right} Artemus (or Arty) is our head of security! He is in charge of the security logs kept on Discord and the Steam group chat, as well as keeping a watchful eye for potential trouble makers! All in all, a good boy. He's a bit shy, keeps to himself mostly!

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