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Sorting results by service : Team Fortress 2
Friday, July 2nd, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed two of the donator sprites not rendering correctly
Chocolate Rainbow Strawberry
The SCG Logo and Rainbow donator sprite now have fixed vmt files and render correctly. Thanks to Jon the Friendly Fox for the fixes!
Fixed weapons in Randomizer using reload speeds based on the class you're playing as rather than what the weapon would normally be
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Added - cp_mannbase_b19
Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Added - cp_mannbase_b19
Wednesday, June 30th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed Gscramble not prioritizing certain scenarios when balancing players
Chocolate Rainbow
GScramble will now correctly balance players with the lowest score, unless...they are an engineer with buildings, the only medic on their team. a medic using their uber, someone being ubered, someone carrying the intelligence, and lastly, someone who has been balanced already within the duration of the current map.
AutoScramble is using .wav files instead of .mp3s for scramble announcements
Some of them were missing and didn't play!
Randomizer will no longer render your weapon invisible to the entire server when using !cantsee
Added a command to adjust the visibility of weapons with cantsee
The command (sm_,!,/)cantseevalue [1-255] (Default 60) allows you adjust the value of your weapon's visibility when you enable cantsee on it.
Added a command to toggle cantsee on all weapons
The command (sm_, !, /)cantseeall allows you to toggle the visibility of all weapons at once. Thanks goes to GreenDragonIris for the suggestion~!
Fixed teammate adjusted melee attacks not triggering on-hit effects
Chocolate Rainbow
Fixed teammate adjusted melee hits hitting enemies through spawn doors
Chocolate Rainbow
Fixed GScramble sometimes incorrectly balancing by lowest score players
Chocolate Rainbow
For who knows how long, GScramble has been sorting players by their score in a given round, not by their total score.
Source Store // Store update

Items added

Chat stuff

Name Tags
Cougar - 200 Credits
Cougar Female - 200 Credits
Cougar Male - 200 Credits
Crow - 200 Credits
Crow Female - 200 Credits
Crow Male - 200 Credits
Lombax - 200 Credits
Lombax Female - 200 Credits
Lombax Male - 200 Credits
Puma - 200 Credits
Puma Female - 200 Credits
Puma Male - 200 Credits
Timberwolf - 200 Credits
Timberwolf Female - 200 Credits
Timberwolf Male - 200 Credits

Items removed

Chat stuff

Name Tags
Cosby - 200 Credits
Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Removed - cp_snakewater_final1
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Removed - cp_snakewater_final1
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
AutoScramble is using .wav files instead of .mp3s for scramble announcements
Some of them were missing and didn't play!
Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Mission update
Added - "popfile" "mvm_bigrock_rowdytest"
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Added - koth_product_rc8
Updated - cp_gorge_event > cp_gorge
Updated - koth_bagel_event > koth_bagel_rc4a
Updated - koth_harvest_event > koth_harvest_final
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Added - koth_product_rc8
Updated - cp_gorge_event > cp_gorge
Updated - koth_bagel_event > koth_bagel_rc4a
Updated - koth_harvest_event > koth_harvest_final
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Friday, May 28th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Added - arena_namicott_rc4
Added - koth_viaduct_event
Added - tfdb_catland_v1
Added - tfdb_indoor_tennis_b1a
Updated - cp_gorge > cp_gorge_event
Updated - dr_bank_v8a > dr_bank_v12a
Updated - dr_wintervalley_beta3 > dr_wintervalley_beta1
Updated - koth_bagel_rc3 > koth_bagel_event
Updated - koth_databank_rc2 > koth_databank_rc3
Updated - koth_harvest_final > koth_harvest_event
Updated - koth_railbridge_b1 > koth_railbridge_rc2
Updated - tfdb_pizza_remix_v3 > tfdb_pizza_remix_v4
Removed - arena_mochville_b4
Removed - arena_suijin_rc2
Removed - cp_sunshine_event
Removed - ctf_2fort_invasion
Removed - ctf_haarp
Removed - ctf_hotspring
Removed - ctf_snowfall_final
Removed - dr_safety_first_final
Removed - koth_probed
Removed - koth_product_rc8
Removed - pd_snowville_event
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Removed - koth_bagel_rc4a
Removed - koth_harvest_final
Removed - koth_product_rc8
Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Added - koth_harvest_event
Added - koth_viaduct_event
Updated - cp_gorge > cp_gorge_event
Updated - koth_bagel_rc3 > koth_bagel_rc4a
Updated - koth_databank_rc2 > koth_databank_rc3
Updated - koth_railbridge_b1 > koth_railbridge_rc2
Removed - cp_sunshine_event
Removed - ctf_2fort_invasion
Removed - ctf_haarp
Removed - ctf_hotspring
Removed - ctf_snowfall_final
Removed - koth_probed
Removed - pd_snowville_event
Monday, April 26th, 2021

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Mission update
Added - "popfile" "mvm_derelict_rc2_click_advanced1"
Wednesday, March 31st, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Mission update
Added - "popfile" "mvm_barren_final1_click_advanced1"
Sunday, March 28th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Mission update
Added - "popfile" "mvm_bigrock_click_expert1"