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Sorting results by service : Team Fortress 2
Saturday, September 25th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Removed - pl_hydropower_event
Removed - pl_pier
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Removed - pl_hydropower_event
Removed - pl_pier
Tuesday, September 21st, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed a bug with shortstop shoves doing damage to the scout
Chocolate Rainbow Strawberry Vanilla
Our plugin that enables melee hits to pass through teammates had a small hitch. Due to a bug with how the Shortstop classifies the attacker / victim, it was tricking our plugin to send a new attack from the player being shoved, meaning if they were looking at the scout shoving them, that scout would be "hit with their own shove" for 1 dmg and whatever on melee hit effects their "victim" had.

Thanks to Godina for pointing this out, and to Valve for making the Shortstop buggy!
Added a plugin to help display reasons to clients why their sprays don't show when they put one down
Chocolate Rainbow Strawberry Front Line Fudge Vanilla
When a player sprays their spray and they have cl_spraydisable set to 1 (thanks valve) they'll be notified of this. Additionally, a player will receive similar prompts when they have r_recals, cl_allowupload, and cl_allowdownload set to 0.
Fixed a bug where not having any items on the store renders your name pure white
Chocolate Rainbow Strawberry Front Line Fudge Vanilla
Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Added - koth_meatside_a3a
Added - koth_megalo
Added - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Added - koth_undergrove_event
Added - koth_viaduct_event
Added - pd_scarab_rc3
Added - pl_fifthcurve_event
Added - pl_hydropower_event
Added - pl_millstone_event
Added - pl_precipice_event_final
Added - pl_rumble_event
Updated - cp_gorge > cp_gorge_event
Updated - koth_bagel_rc4a > koth_bagel_event
Updated - koth_harvest_final > koth_harvest_event
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Added - koth_meatside_a3a
Added - koth_megalo
Added - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Added - koth_undergrove_event
Added - koth_viaduct_event
Added - pd_scarab_rc3
Added - pl_fifthcurve_event
Added - pl_hydropower_event
Added - pl_millstone_event
Added - pl_precipice_event_final
Added - pl_rumble_event
Updated - cp_gorge > cp_gorge_event
Updated - koth_bagel_rc4a > koth_bagel_event
Updated - koth_harvest_final > koth_harvest_event
Saturday, September 18th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Removed - tfdb_muca_idea_b2
Wednesday, September 15th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Mission update
Added - mvm_coaltown
Added - mvm_coaltown_advanced2
Added - mvm_coaltown_advanced
Added - mvm_coaltown_click_advanced1
Added - mvm_coaltown_expert1
Added - mvm_coaltown_intermediate2
Added - mvm_coaltown_intermediate
Removed - mvm_decoy_sig_ala_ztest
Removed - mvm_decoy_sigala_test
Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Maplist update
Added - mvm_coaltown
Monday, September 13th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed robots not using their melee weapons on Hillside
Front Line Fudge Map Bug
Saturday, September 11th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Added - ph_studio
Tuesday, September 7th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed a crash with mvm_hellburg
Front Line Fudge
Updating it to mvm_hellburg_final fixed a server crash relating to sound or something
Team Fortress 2 // Front Line Fudge // Maplist update
Updated - mvm_hellburg > mvm_hellburg_final
Friday, August 27th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // Rainbow // Maplist update
Updated - cp_gorge_event > cp_gorge
Updated - koth_bagel_event > koth_bagel_rc4a
Updated - koth_harvest_event > koth_harvest_final
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_megalo
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_undergrove_event
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_scarab_rc3
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_hydropower_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Team Fortress 2 // Chocolate // Maplist update
Updated - cp_gorge_event > cp_gorge
Updated - koth_bagel_event > koth_bagel_rc4a
Updated - koth_harvest_event > koth_harvest_final
Removed - koth_meatside_a3a
Removed - koth_megalo
Removed - koth_spillway_event_rc4
Removed - koth_undergrove_event
Removed - koth_viaduct_event
Removed - pd_scarab_rc3
Removed - pl_fifthcurve_event
Removed - pl_hydropower_event
Removed - pl_millstone_event
Removed - pl_precipice_event_final
Removed - pl_rumble_event
Thursday, August 26th, 2021

Team Fortress 2 // General server update
Fixed a TF2 problem where clients could get stuck in spectate upon joining a team that wound up being unbalanced
Chocolate Rainbow
Probably the oldest bug in TF2, if enough people join a team at the same time, you may find yourself trapped in spectate. But you're actually in an unassigned team, which breaks the use of the changeteam (your period key) command.

Forcing you to have to use the jointeam X command, spectate, or open the motd (Doesn't always work). Our fix will attempt to reopen the team join menu in this event, allowing you to get on a team.