To prevent weapon conflicts in things like Prophunt, Dodgeball, MvM, etc.
Voting for bots to join small games on chocolate will now bring in two special bots ... the good boys!
Chocolate and rainbow have a don't change option on the RTV list which is a little counter productive
The FOV plugin has been modified to not adjust custom FOV settings on clients in third person where applicable (Dodgeball, Prophunt, etc)
The method used to generate ragdolls is now more efficient than before
The donator plugin's menu now has support for all donator features, opening the menu provides access to the Kill Effects, Rainbowize, and a special thank you message!
Clientprefs are like cookies for certain server settings, instead of having to adjust certain settings per server, they're now universal
Previously, the chat join message feature needed to be set per client, per server, and then each client would need to set that message per server. This was a pain for everyone involved. Now, the chat join message has been incorporated similarly to the normal donator text.
Only seemed to affect Rainbow and only for a few weeks around a month ago
No more shrunken heads, stumpy bodies, etc~
When you enter a message in text chat, a typing bubble will appear over your head and will remain for a moment or until you start moving. You can also start by opening text chat, pressing space then enter, to start the typing event without having to send a message!
Sprites are now parented to players instead of teleported on frame