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Engy Fortress

Notice - This article is unfinished:
  • This article is not yet considered finished, the information on it may still be useful enough to leave draft stage, but it requires more to be "complete".

"Don't worry, boys! The Engineer, is Engi-here!" -The Engineer

Engy Fortress is a game mode for Team Fortress 2, created by Seabass. It was based on the mode of the same name, originally created by [Citation Needed] .
The mode pits a team of human players against a team of robot AI Engineers. It is played only on the Cornbread server.

  1. Gameplay
  2. Balance changes


Engy Fortress is a mode that takes place on most normal mode maps, such as Payload or CTF. It involves a team of human players (Up to 11) versus a team made up entirely of bot Engineers (up to 21 bots, not to be confused with MvM robot Engineers). Because of how bot behavior works, robot Engineers build very non-sensical, have above-average accuracy, work very cooperatively, and take over areas very aggresively.

In order for a human team to win, they require careful coordination and must be able to counter the aggressive area denial with their own hold. Robot Engineers do not act like typical human players do, so their strategy is almost impossible to predict, they often build in strange places such as out in the open or behind enemy lines. Since the Engineers work together, they can deploy or repair sentries quickly, making it important to capitalize on an opening immediately.

When a point is captured by the human team, Engineers are given a short stat boost as compensation for the initial struggle to setup in a new location suddenly.

Balance changes

Human players have a few weapon stat adjustments as well.
[Citation Needed]