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Happy 12 years of SCG!

By Rowedahelicon

Good lord where does the time go.

12 years ago today, SCG began! And over those 12 years, we've evolved into a comfortable cozy little community. Despite how little we try, we still continue to grow to this day. Old friends still return, and things are still good. <3

SCG has done so much for me, the friends I've met, the memories I've had, I hope it has helped others like it has helped me. And I hope it will continue to do so in the future as I've no plans to stop now~

I'm afraid I have no big announcements to tie in with today's post! There are things in the works, but I don't want to rush anything to meet hypothetical deadlines. We'll talk again soon~! With love to you all, Rowdy. <3

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Statement regarding VR Chat

By Rowedahelicon

A while back, VR Chat introduced some changes that forbid the use of mods in their game with the addition of Easy Anti Cheat, I won't go into details, but the end result was a noticeable drop in VR Chat players, and the open discussion of moving to alternatives such as Chillout VR or Neos VR.

SCG, in our mission to support modding communities, would like to move over to one of these games. However, I have decided that this process will be a slow transmission rather than an immediate demand. In order to give people time to acclimate themselves with other platforms, and see where and what the community feels comfortable with, we'd like to try slowly moving over to one of said platforms. It is undecided at this time which one, but I will be taking feedback to better understand what others think.

In the meantime, I would like to continue having VR nights again in some capacity, such as occasional event nights in VR Chat where everyone already had their avatars / worlds setup. Originally, we were delaying them due to issues with the weather, and then the modding mess happened.

Consider joining us this weekend, at 9:00 PM Eastern, for a get together in VR Chat! As always, you do not need a VR headset to join us.

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2022 Halloween Icon contest~!

By Rowedahelicon

It's that time again, our (semi-ish) annual SCG Halloween Group Icon Contest~! Details are in this thread~ Prizes this year, more details to come~!

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[TF2] New feature: Alias!

By Rowedahelicon

Recently, we've added a new feature to our TF2 servers. The alias command!

!alias "name", /alias "name" or in console, sm_alias "name"

Setting an alias allows you to use a different name in the server than on Steam. Additionally, you can use the settings menu (/settings) to optionally add the SCG Prefix to an alias, or your existing Steam name. This command is for everyone to use!

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[Discord] New Announcement Role!

By Rowedahelicon

To help organized the interested parties of potential TF2 events, MvM has been given its own announcement role! Like other announcement roles, it is meant for organizing events on SCG servers. In this instance, this would be for folks looking for players on our MvM servers. Additionally, it will help curb spam for those who are simply interested in regular TF2.

You can add, or remove, this role using the /role command on Discord. Poe will help you!

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