This page displays statistics of maps we have on our rotations. We collect data on Server votes, meaning when the server goes to a map, we record it so we can see what the server often votes for. Additionally, we also collect overall votes from players on maps to see what people think about the map they're on. We use these sets of data to determine if a map is being over-played, under-played, or simply isn't popular.
The data collected and presented here is a bit sloppy, maps such as those in Murdermod are never voted on organically, but are marked when the server goes to them. Though usually, niche modes don't often have their map lists adjusted if there is a scarcity of maps.
Presently, this data is not too useful for anyone other than the administrators, but it is still fascinating regardless. It should be noted this page is not feature complete, we hope to add some searching tools to better organize the displayed data in due time.
The data displayed here is only from instances in which there were 4 or more players in a given session. It has been logged since April 26, 2020, 8:01 pm, this data may be reset when map rotations change.