Statistics for: Dm Byre
This page displays stats for an individual map based on individually collected sessions. We record the starting, ending, and max player count of a map per session, the time it occured, how many RTVs it got, and if the RTV was successful or not. We also record the time left of a session.
When displaying this information, we only use sessions that had players on them. Additionally, we filter out results where the server crashed, as a map abruptly ending in this way would sour these results.
Like the overall map stats, this information is messy and isn't anywhere near perfect, but it provides data to consider when we decide what maps to keep or remove.
Average Player Retention Rating: 0.9
Total Successful RTVs: 4 RTVs out of 98 total sessions
Collective Data
Average player count / HR, in this instance, is displayed as a value between 0 and 1. Meaning 0% to 100% of total server capacity.
Average successful RTVs / HR is an average of when, if any, successful RTVs happened in a given hour.
01:13:00 AM EDT
Starting PC: 2
Ending PC: 2
PRR: 1
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 0 Min(s)
10:51:17 PM EDT
Starting PC: 12
Ending PC: 11
PRR: 0.9
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 0 Min(s)
01:51:25 AM EDT
Starting PC: 13
Ending PC: 10
PRR: 0.8
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 0 Min(s)
12:55:21 AM EDT
Starting PC: 29
Ending PC: 22
PRR: 0.6
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 0 Min(s)
03:20:09 AM EDT
Starting PC: 23
Ending PC: 26
PRR: 1
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 0 Min(s)
12:37:04 AM EDT
Starting PC: 2
Ending PC: 2
PRR: 1
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 0 Min(s)
07:17:09 AM EDT
Starting PC: 1
Ending PC: 0
PRR: 0.9
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 1 Min(s) OT
03:07:23 AM EDT
Starting PC: 1
Ending PC: 1
PRR: 1
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 1 Min(s) OT
06:50:34 PM EDT
Starting PC: 1
Ending PC: 1
PRR: 1
RTVs: 1
RTV'd: Yes
Time Left: 29 Min(s)
10:46:23 AM EDT
Starting PC: 1
Ending PC: 1
PRR: 1
RTVs: 1
RTV'd: Yes
Time Left: 29 Min(s)
09:24:09 PM EST
Starting PC: 2
Ending PC: 2
PRR: 1
RTVs: 1
RTV'd: Yes
Time Left: 28 Min(s)
12:21:48 AM EST
Starting PC: 1
Ending PC: 9
PRR: 1
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 83 Min(s) OT
03:23:55 AM EST
Starting PC: 7
Ending PC: 6
PRR: 0.9
RTVs: 3
RTV'd: Yes
Time Left: 26 Min(s)
01:14:50 AM EST
Starting PC: 2
Ending PC: 0
PRR: 0.8
RTVs: 0
RTV'd: No
Time Left: 1 Min(s) OT