Bark bark!
I got a special letter, an update! Here are the details!
-Fixed votes not displaying the total number of Yes/No's (Chocolate,MvM,Rainbow,Strawberry,Vanilla)
This mostly affected MvM, but it did happen on a custom vote on Rainbow
-Fixed custom votes not automatically voting "Yes" for the person who started it (Vanilla,Strawberry,Rainbow,MvM,Chocolate)
Again, affected MvM mostly, but it was more annoying of an issue.
-Improved server hop messages (Chocolate,MvM,Rainbow,Strawberry,Vanilla)
Cleaned up the colors, spaced them out a bit, stopped it from displaying the server players are currently on.
This has been an SCG Service update! You can check all our important updates on our update page here!
Mann Co. would totally sign off on this if they could! Report any bugs or suggestions here!