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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: Notice regarding Minecraft and Open Fortress! posted in Events and notices

Good afternoon folks, here to drop a quick message regarding some SCG goings-on!


Minecraft 1.19 is out as of today! And as always, it'll be a lil' bit before our server is updated. I'll take this time to state that we'll also be restarting the server with a fresh new world! There are also some other things in store for our MC server, things I've wanted to do for forever but have been delayed near constantly due to other things, I apologize deeply for this!

There will be a backup of the world made for downloading soon as well!

Open Fortress

In other news, Open Fortress is also back! We technically have a server setup for it, though right now the game is going through some technical difficulties regarding installation and updating. Because of this, we are not hosting dedicated events yet, but hopefully this will change soon!

Thanks, and have fun! ^w^

Last edited : by Administration

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