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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: Let's talk about your fursona! posted in Events and notices

Happy Pride month, everyone! I wanted to start off the month with a different kind of post, I want to know about your fursona(s)!

Anything really (though try to keep it SFW X3), who are they? Do they represent you? Do you have more than one? Do you have none at all! Are they just a character to you, or is it something closer. Why did you choose your species, if you don't have one, is there something you think best represents you? Basically, go wild, there's no judgement here.

I'll start, most folks may know that I was a Crux for about 10 years! Cruxes represented me in many ways, they're very chaotic and silly but also quite edgy. That's basically who I was! But now I'm a ferret! Ferrets felt right to me, they're sleepy, silly, mischievous little floof gremlins. They're small, and I like to feel small. They're long, and I am tall.

My fursona's appearance represents aspects of myself, such as my love of oversized loose fitting clothes, or how my fur being shades of green represents my love of the forest. Being a ferret also relates to my personality in a spiritual way. As time went on, I began to feel that my Crux was influenced by depression I've worked through, and wasn't the entity I wanted people to see when they saw me. Being a ferret, I now hope to give off a more positive vibe, while retaining that gremlin energy. >:3

My 'sona is, a representation of myself, they're not a "character", it's me! I have other "characters" that I use to act out things or represent other things I do, but my ferret is all me.

Now, tell me about you! What led you to the sona you have today! If you don't have one yet or something like that, feel free to talk about your thoughts towards creating one if that is something you aspire to do!

Half a bee, philosophically, must ipso-facto half not be. But can a bee be said to be, or not to be, an entire bee; You see?
Jul 16th
Genuine Pizza eater Flair

My fursona is kinda similar in that he is me. But he's the me I want to be, really. Not in the "I want to be a fox" kinda way, but in personality, etc.
When I was younger I was a super angry little dude, and while part of that was just me being a hormonal teenager, I was also just a real dickhead. I recognized that about myself and decided that I'd change. Jon the Friendly Fox is what resulted from that. He's everything I strive to be and I think for the most part I've succeeded in that endeavor.

In short, my sona is also not a character; It's why we share the same name :3

Aug 08th
Represent <3 Flair

I'm a wolf. I'm a little chubby and have dark fur streaked with grey and silver flecks. Like myself, my 'sona is reserved and simple and first glance, but in the black of my fur are many silver threads, bright and glistening, giving character and breaking up the monotony.

Come give me pets and we can talk about particle physics theories or discuss VR games :3

Aug 29th
Minecrafter Flair
A Professional Flair
Represent <3 Flair

Vap. Vap vap vap vap vap.
Oh, ok, a real answer now -- it's a complicated mess.
The one y'all see shown in my steam and on the servers (the reason behind [Pokemon female] in the chat window), is Vapor/Kishiko, the squeaky (latex) Vaporeon. She, and vap in general, is one of the first faces worn in public. The reason it's a complicated mess, is because she's just part of me, and there's a lot more, and I'm not entirely comfortable with expressing it all.

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th

Quote from @Jon the Friendly Fox

Despite how you often tease me for my (correct) choices in programming habits, you are indeed, a very friendly fox. <3

Quote from @{SCG} Axyz

Oh yeah? What's your favorite VR game? :3

Quote from @Vapor

That's totally valid, expression is difficult, go at a pace that feels comfortable. <3

Last edited : by Rowedahelicon


Am a proot! My character Exabyte is a bit of a mess.

I've been thinking about reworking him (concerns about being too many ideas at once), but currently he's a sort of incendiary-combat-technician thing. He's a military grade protogen that loves burning stuff, who also happens to have an affinity for programming.

He represents a few things about me. While I'm not a soldier, I'm a bit of a firearms nerd. I love fire (pyro main lol), and I program as a hobby. The programming part is also why he's a protogen. (I chose that over synth because I wanted something floofy still.)

I also like birds a fair bit, which is why he's an Avian protogen, not to far from the likes of a Crow or Raven (aside from the color scheme of course.)

I'm thinking about splitting him into two seperate characters, but that's who he is for now.

Yip yip, motherfuckers
Dec 31st

Bark bark bark bark!

Okay so, when we found out about furries (over half our lifetime ago!!!), we wanted to participate and be one! We explored a few species, but eventually settled on a fox. We always found foxes beautiful and back then, the "clever and intelligent" archetype appealed to us.

That said, Zim is not a character, and Zim is not a fursona. Zim is real and Zim is (one of) us. We are therian, and we firmly believe we are not human. It's not a spiritual belief, it's just a statement of fact. A world in which we are human is not a world that makes sense. Over the years, We grew older and more experienced. We learnt about ourselves, we learnt to have a personality, we learnt about our feelings, we learnt we are trans. And as we grew, we changed!

It's a little hard to speak about this, because we are plural. So Zim is not the only one living in our head. But Zim's kind of always been the one around and conscious. And well, Zim grew and changed. Zim's body changed, Zim's personality developed, Zim learnt to be ver own being, independent of what strangers might think of vix. Vix learnt to love verself and love all of us. Zim is not a character. Zim is real and Zim is here.

But, as we said, we are plural! And Zim is not the only here! There's a bunch of other foxes, a wolf, a puppy, possibly a rabbit, a scorpion woman and a catgirl and. Yeah. I'm not sure I want to write about them. Try to avoid sharing too much information in public. But. Yeah!

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th

Quote from @Exabyte #SaveTF2

Fire >:3~!

Got a dumb question, what is the difference between a protogen and a synth? I'm not sure I've seen the distinction before :o

Quote from @Fluffy Friends& vix/vix/ver

Heck, I need to add emojis to this here so I can send you all hearts <3

Last edited : by Rowedahelicon

Yip yip, motherfuckers
Dec 31st

Quote from @Rowedahelicon
Heck, I need to add emojis to this here so I can send you all hearts <3

Aw, Rowdy. That's incredibly hecking sweet. Really <3 Really really really. That's super duper sweet and. Gosh...... Thank you! Yay hearts <3<3<3<3

By the way, finding our post one month later is super hecking nice. It gave Zim fuzzy feelings!

Last edited : by Fluffy Friends& vix/vix/ver

*chitters excitedly*
Abert's Squirrel
Jul 01st
Minecrafter Flair
Can you hear me, Sam? Flair

Hey! This prompt is really thoughtful and interesting. I love hearing about how and why people decided to create their characters.
A lot of folks either have their character represent themselves or the ideal version of theirself, and I'm no different. She's a lot of things that I can't be and a lot of things that I'm trying my best to be.

Nutalie Frost is short, a little soft around the middle, motherly when she wants to be and comfy small at other times, always open for a good cuddle with her friends, ready to listen with her big ears, agile and steady, and above all she's patient. I've been working through wondering about a lot of who I am, and having her to represent the future me is great fun. She can be a successful botanist when I struggle growing pre-sprouted plants, she can be a little girl when I didn't get to be one, she can be free as a squirrel when I'm here as a tall awkward human thing, she can have a big tail to curl around all her friends, and she can be a plushie to be cuddled herself.

I've liked squirrels my whole life and I feel happy seeing them and sad when they're hurt by our cars or by people who find them a nuisance. The way their tails follow their bodies as they bound around. The way they bark and shout from the treetops. The way they sometimes stop halfway up a tree when they're climbing. I find everything they do beautiful, and I'd love to have a squirrel feeder some day so I can watch them come and go more consistently and more closely.

*chitters excitedly*
Abert's Squirrel
Jul 01st
Minecrafter Flair
Can you hear me, Sam? Flair

My first experience with furry fandom was back in 2004 on Furcadia when I was seven. There were a limited number of species you could play as, and I think my very first option was a squirrel. I changed later when I found someone's personal world with some neat coding stuff to display each character as a different species, with the fox being a really cool and really detailed humongous fox spirit thingy, but I've returned a few times to the program and squirrels still feel the best.

In about 2012, I returned again to the squirrel, doodling ideas for what I'd like to look like. A few parts of the markings were inspired by Miu's Peaches, Cream, and Jam characters (tail diamond especially), a few from real squirrels that I thought were really neat (tufted ears are the coolest), and some from my head that didn't quite work. I'd revise the design a few times over the years before finally putting my last couple tiny tweaks in last year. One of my favorite sources for the markings was an image from tumblr with a whole lot of rat fur patterns. I took one of those for the nose-to-tail lighter area and for the socks marking on her feet.

For a long while, the name was just Frostbite, taken from the icy-blue marking on the tail and the grey-white colors overall. Figuring out my own gender identity is what lead me to the absolutely silly pun name Nutalie, and her last name of Frost is a carry-over of that previous name. I've also found that there is a species of squirrel called the Abert's squirrel in the Rocky Mountains of the United States that resembles what I settled on for a design, with the tufts, white belly, and all. Fun coincidence. I've got a plush one resting on top of my computer right now.

So I like squirrels and wish I could be more squirrely instead of big and clumsy. Hopefully I can get there with enough work.
