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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: The results are in~! posted in Events and notices

The results of the 2022 community poll are in and can be viewed here,, but here's a rundown!

The people voted to keep melee crits on, have map testing events as frequent as every 3 months, and that folks may be interested in experimenting with stat adjustments (in a different server of course!).

I am also happy to report that I received a ton of feedback which I will be working with during the next few weeks to see what sort of improvements we can offer to the community. I'm even happier to say that at 45 submissions, this was the largest response we've gotten to a poll before!

45 doesn't seem like a lot, in fact that's pretty low in the grand scheme of things, but that's okay! I am always hoping to continue improving the community and getting folks involved so now we have another goal to meet in doing so! We've already gotten some new ideas on how to do so. Because this turnout was as low as it was, I am totally open to having another poll later on this year as opposed to next year.

The next big thing will be conducting a new map test, I have a big plan laid out and I think it will be neat~!

Big thanks to the folks who voted! If you didn't vote, it's OK, I'm not pupset! And there will be more chances in the future to do so~!

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