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Today's events : =Friday Night Gaming= Team Fortress 2
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: [FIXED][TF2] We fixed a bug with snipers and teleporters. posted in Team Fortress 2

We pretty rare bug, but a bug all the same with TF2.

**Scenario : **When a sniper scopes in on the same frame as they teleport through a teleporter, they may come out the other end with the scope texture on their screen while not actually having been scoped in anymore.

Here I am while not scoped in, but with the texture on my screen.


Here I am actually scoped in, while not having moved from where I was.


We investigated a bit, and discovered that the game runs a function to force unscope snipers when they go through a teleporter. This function calls the general scope/unscope function, which determines if a sniper is scoped in based on their client FOV. Because scoping in sets your FOV to 20, the game will check to see if your FOV is over 75 (TF2's lowest minimum setting) and if is or isn't is how the game handles scoping in or out.

Going through a teleporter will temporarily set your FOV to 120 and slowly fade back to what you normally have it on, so if you were to scope in after the game has begun to force you out of scope, your FOV would be set to 120 when it should normally have been 20, and now the game sees that number as over 75 and says zoom them in when they already were.

This is a super minor bug, you can fix this state by scoping in and out once. But we saw it, knew how to fix it, and did so.

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