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Oct 05th
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Discussion: R U OK? - 2018 posted in SCG General

Today (well at least in Australia but hey) is RUOK day. What is that you wonder?

A suicide prevention initiative that helps give people the conversation tools to ask...are you okay?

We live in interesting times. While the internet has done well to bring us together, it still is a barrier between friends who aren't physically close. People feel high, and they feel low. People struggle and sometimes we feel we're too deep in a hole we cannot get out of.

Throughout my life and my time in SCG, I have had my own personal ups and downs. One thing that I recall from my worst moments was how insufferable I was, and how hard I must have been to talk to. It's an experience I've seen first-hand from others as well, we're not always equipped to handle what may be going on in someone's head. For example, earlier this year, a friend I was fairly close with committed suicide.

The RUOK campaign attempts to solve this by giving people conversation tools and guides on how to talk to people who may not be doing so good, because at the of the day, being there for someone may be the most important thing you can do.

And for a super awesome totally well written guide on how to talk to someone, please please please check out this!

For additional resource, there are more localized phone-numbers and such on the SPL website -

As always, my door is always open should you need to talk about something. Though my steam list is usually DM's are open on Twitter (rowedahelicon) and my Telegram is also (rowedahelicon)

Thank you!


P.S. Please thank Zippy for showing this to me! <3

Last edited : by Artemus

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