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I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
Discussion: Murder mod - Last updated 6/1/2019 posted in Team Fortress 2

SCG MurderMod wallpaper


What is Murder?

Murder is a gamemode originally made for Garrysmod. The game begins with all players being spawned in and given a random role. A player can be innocent, a detective, a fool, or the murderer.

The murderer's job is to kill everyone as quietly as they can. They are given a knife, and if they fail to kill someone within a 80 second time frame, a new murderer is chosen.

The detective's job is to kill the murderer. They are given a single shot pistol with a slow reload time. There can be up to two detectives at a given time depending on the number of living players. If a detective kills an innocent player, they are killed as well.

The fool's job is different...they want to be killed. If the fool is killed by the detective, the game is over.

The innocent's job is simply to run around, easy-peasy.

When a player dies, they are transferred to blue team and turned into a ghost. Ghost players cannot be seen or heard (Voice / Text dead chat is disabled) by the enemy team.


(!<command> & /<command> are for chat, sm_<command> is for console)
**sm_mmhelp **- Opens the help menu
**murdermusic **- Toggles the murder music

Version history

0.6.0 - SCG version

  • Fixed a number of timer bugs
  • Two sheriffs will spawn when there are 6 or more players
  • Players now become ghosts on death
  • Inspecting items now force kills the person trying to inspect

0.6.1-SCG - Credits to Fraeven for these changes

  • Cleaned up and optimized a ton of code pieces
  • Adjusted the stats on the Pistol (Pistol now fires 3 bullets per shot, reload speed is slightly increased) these changes were implemented to help cut back on hit detection troubles due to friendly fire lag compensation
  • Adjusted the stats on the knife (Knife's range is now similar to that of the Disciplinary Action), these changes were also implemented to help cut back on hit detection troubles.
    -Added new class : The fool (The Fool's objective is to be killed by a detective, a detective must avoid killing the fool at all costs)

0.6.2-SCG - Credits to Fraeven for these changes

  • Added murderer run cool down
  • Added multiple cvars for configuration
  • Made debug logging more consistent
  • Fool now has a chance to spawn (defaults to 50% once at 6 players or above)
  • Two detectives will now trigger at 8 players instead of 6 by default (configurable)
  • De-duped some code

0.6.3-SCG (2019-02/10) - Credits to Fraeven for these changes

  • Add support for more than 1 murderer (at 10 players, there will be 2)
  • Add cvar sm_mm_ignorebots to toggle ignoring bots as clients (on by default)
  • Add custom team names for win panel
  • Slightly increased recharge rate of the murderer's run ability
    Bug Fixes
  • Fix ghosts being unable to see living players
  • Fix issues with some timers not checking for valid clients

0.8.0-SCG (2019-06-01) - Credits to Fraeven for these changes

  • When a detective is killed, their weapon will be dropped. An innocent can pick it up to immediately become the next detective.
  • Gave the murderer a one-time use dead ringer automatically triggered when damage is taken
  • Changed the detective's revolver to use a fast-moving neutral projectile instead of hitscan to improve hit registry


  • Slightly increased the maximum duration of the murderer's run ability


  • Reorganized source code into separate files for better maintainability and removed unused code
  • Map will now switch automatically after map time ends instead of reentering tournament setup
  • Added new music selections on a rotation


This mod was originally created by SomePanns with help from the contributor SnowTigerVidz.

The version SCG uses was patched up and modified by Rowedahelicon featuring additions and additional fixes by Fraeven

The custom map, arena_mannor, was created by JonTheFriendlyFox

Get the wallpaper here :

Last edited : by Rowedahelicon

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th

0.8.0-SCG (2019-06-01) - Credits to Fraeven for these changes

  • When a detective is killed, their weapon will be dropped. An innocent can pick it up to immediately become the next detective.
  • Gave the murderer a one-time use dead ringer automatically triggered when damage is taken
  • Changed the detective's revolver to use a fast-moving neutral projectile instead of hitscan to improve hit registry


  • Slightly increased the maximum duration of the murderer's run ability


  • Reorganized source code into separate files for better maintainability and removed unused code
  • Map will now switch automatically after map time ends instead of reentering tournament setup
  • Added new music selections on a rotation

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th
  - Removed the old help menu and created a new menu system from the ground up, triggered by the command "!mm". It currently includes:
      * More detailed help documentation, split up by role.
      * Music toggle command
      * Third-Person toggle command
      * Plugin Info and Credits

  - Stopped giving a revolver to innocent players. Now that touching a revolver will pick it up automatically, innocents do not need one in their loadout.
  - Tidied up some chat messages
  - Alt-fire to sprint has been re-enabled instead of double-tapping forward due to popular demand.
  - When the dead-ringer/decoy is activated, calling for medic will now be used to decloak you. Note that "call for medic" is planned to be used for any future activated abilities, as alt-fire was previously meant to be.
  - Murderers will now have third-person mode turned on by default. This can be disabled with the command !mm_tp and the preference will be saved

  - Added a message to inform the client when the 'inspect' key is pressed and kills you
  - For consistency, help (!mmhelp) and music toggle (!murdermusic) commands have been changed to !mm_help and !mm_music respectively
  - Added the "decoy" to the murderer's hud on the weapons line to indicate if it has been used or not
  - New background music
