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Today's events : =Friday Night Gaming= Team Fortress 2
Border Collie
Oct 05th
SCG Service member
A Professional Flair
Represent <3 Flair
Pup power! Flair
Discussion: Notice about the General Data Protection Regulation posted in Spam board

You may have been getting some emails lately about policy changes across your favorite websites, this is all in regards to the upcoming GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION.

The whole thing summarized as simply as possible is that residents of the EU will have better control over their personal data online. Websites / companies that store data of EU residents, including companies and such stationed in the US, must comply. This includes the essential "Right to be forgotten" and a clear strict set of rules on maintaining personal data and what companies HAVE to do in case of a breach.

How does this relate to SCG?

SCG doesn't store anything relating to personal information. If you've ever donated or I've asked for your address or whatever in terms of sending Christmas cards, I do not retain any of that information. When you login with Steam, Telegram or Discord (Coming soon!) You are only telling my server what your ID of whatever service is to match you up with your account.

I will most likely implement a feature to totally remove your account to the Jewelbox before the deadline of May 25th, I was probably going to do this either way.

On the game servers, your IP address may be stored in log files that are regularly deleted from the actual game server, and only used in some cases when a ban occurs.

Otherwise, I don't think there is anything to worry about but if there is, I will let you all know! Thanks for reading!



Every morning at 1:00 AM ET, all of the server logs (Chat logs, error logs, maintenance things) are zipped up and sent to a private file host in case I need them, but otherwise they're only actually stored in the game server for around 24 hours.

Last edited : by Artemus

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th

P.S. This mainly applies to members of the group who live in the EU, which is a good percentage!
