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Discussion: 2017 SCG Christmas cards! Come get you one! posted in SCG General

Hello everyone! Christmas is soon on its way and yet again, I want to do Christmas cards! The idea is simple, want a card? Just tell me where to send it and I will! I hand write special messages in em and everything.

This year I have a special one though, I drew out a special card design you can see here below!

This year's special card design!

Trouble is that it's pricey to get those printed out, so I was thinking that if you'd like a special card, I am selling them for $3.00 a card, if you want me to send some for friends, any additional one is still $3.00! The money will also be counted and used as a donation for SCG, help pay the bills, keep the lights on and since we're hitting winter, the heat! (Actually no the servers should stay cold...)

However, if you don't want to or can't pay for one, I totally understand, so I'm still offering free cards! They're just like, normal cards!

So if you'd like a card, send me an email at theoneandonly[AT] all I need is your name and address, and if you'd like to help out and get a paid card, I'll write you back with how to do so! The deadline is December 14th by 11:59 PM Pacific time!, that will be the last day I accept them, as I'll send out whichever ones I haven't on December 15th!

Last edited : by Artemus

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Eurasian Magpie
May 22nd
#2 Ghastly Ghoul
A Professional Flair
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Pumpkin Pie! Flair

Im guessing sending them abroad is too much of a hassle :C

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night🌕
Leukos Arsenikon Crux
Jun 12th

I've lowered the price from $5.00 to $3.00!
