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Discussion: {7/17/2013} Community journal - Fun stuff that isn't Tf2 edition posted in Archives

And here we are again folks! Welcome to another week of community journal fun and excitement! Surely it's not just me ;~; I figure I'd start off this week's post with a little fun introduction. This week I have been and continue to go through the server bugs that have popped up since the latest Tf2 update and the Linux move. Keep on reporting them to me! You guys have been awesome!

This week is all about setting up the foothold for other community events you guys have enjoyed doing but had to be put on a hold because of everything else going on. :c But! Let us be on our way!

First! An important note about TF2 and bugs and such!

Just a quickie note too! Yes, the servers have been crashing since the move to Linux, however! It's very important to know that it's not the installations or the server itself. There is a problem with a very important tool the servers use. It broke and the creator is trying to get it up and fixed as fast as he can and hopefully crash free!
Hale players will want this one the most, it's called TF2Items, it controls how modifying weapon stats work. Because it doesn't work correctly, we've had to take off a few bosses in Hale and nerf a few things. Hopefully we can have it all back up and working soon!

This week's weekly art project begins!

[quote]This week's theme was suggested by Gayboyfriend! The theme is as follows~

I think would be easy for everyone to jump into would be weapons and armor! What would your fursona wear in combat, on patrol or just even as decoration? This could range from anything from the supernatural, to medieval, modern Or even just plain jokes (Oh la la Dildo bat from Saints row).

Go and get some drawings done! Paste em here, if you make them NSFW please tag them as such! Thank you

Last edited : by Administration

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