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Discussion: SCG Rule List 3.0. posted in Archives


Also, these are just the revisions, the full list will be posted on the website tomorrow as well.

Authored by Rowedahelicon on 4/11/2013 - 4:32 PM ET

Below is the official SCG Rule list, arranged in order of game / function. This is the third ever revision of our list, and has been done so to accommodate problems that have spawned over time. It has also been edited to clarify certain things.


[size=14pt]THE GROUP[/size]

  1. Be eggscelent to each other

  2. No one under 14 allowed under any circumstances. If you have been booted out for being underage and would like to appeal it due to you know, aging? Just get in contact with one of the admins and prepare to have some sort of proof wth you.

  3. Spam / phishing / scam / untagged porn / untagged purposely loud pages / browser boms or any other illegal links are not permitted in the chatroom or the comments / forum sections.

Illegal links are like, piracy, drugs, illegal porn, shit like that. Anything you wouldn't share to your family.

  1. Be polite, respectful, open and understanding of one another.


[size=14pt]General conduct[/size]

  1. Racist terms, sexist terms, or any other potentially hurtful wording is appropriate for the sake of humor, (E.G. Racist joke) but purposeful bashing on someone is not allowed (E.G.  Every single fucking ______ should go die in a flaming pit with their _______ cut off.)

Side note : This is a very hard rule to have because of the idea of humor is subjective and a lot of people can get upset very easily. If you feel offended at something someone has said to you and don't feel it was said / done in a way that could be argued as a joke. Please do not be afraid to come to us, +100 love points if you record a demo of someone saying something with voice.

  1. Letting your anger get the best of you and making it cause for your actions results in time outs.

Side note : Anger is a very common emotion that can cause us to think / do irrational things and usually leaves you feeling pretty scummy after. If the admins feel your anger is causing you to become hostile to one another, temp mutes / kicks and even short bans will be put in place. These are done to keep you from making an ass of yourself and to not bring down everyone else's mood. Generally, a nice apology to everyone goes a long way, as does explaining why you're upset in the first place. We're here for you!


[size=14pt]Team Fortress 2[/size]

General Rules

Don't pester other members, we know the difference between joking around and being an ass.

Hackers, cheaters, etc will be banned. That is really a given though.

Chat spammers: Advertisers / trade spammers / text walls and other annoying chat abuse will be perma-gagged from chat. This also goes towards anyone shouting /annoying others through microphone.

If you are under the age of 14 , we ask that you leave. Not just because of the porn sprays, because chances are you have a mic and a voice that deafens Angels.

Complaints about the game are fine, but try and keep them civil. If you're disrupting the game we will mute you until you take it up with an admin.

If the game isn't going so well, why not take a break? Don't yell or ruin anyone else's game , it's not cool!


Porn sprays are fine. And most fetishes and whatever are fine. If you see a spray that you don't agree with, just don't look at it.

Illegal sprays are defined as any image / act that is illegal by U.S. law. More specifically in the state of Illinois. Basically, bestiality, child / cub porn , and you know, those troll sprays people post of the girl getting shit on by like, 3 guys.


Spawncamping is okay on maps where there are multiple exits out of a spawn room, like Nucleus, but in most cases it is just taking advantage of poor map design. In this case, don't do it.

If you're autobalanced, and / or team scrambled, please take it with a grain of salt. It's understandable to be mad at getting switched, but it's to keep the game fair. Team stackers who trick the scramble system will be kicked or forced onto a team.

Please one person on a mic at once, no one likes it when like, 10 people talk over each other.

If you are sitting in a server but not playing, you are considered an empty player slot. If you're throwing off the teams by doing so, then you will be asked to play or be forced to the hangout server. In addition, "friendly" players on the hale server will be kicked outright if they do not play when asked. Friendly players hurt the team, extend the waiting period, and are outright annoying. This counts for end of round scouts who flat out refuse to fight and run the timer out.

Side note : I really do not want to be a dick / ask my admins to be dicks about the play the game rule, we are not trying to be super serious hardcore server with this rule. The fact of the matter is, when you're taking up a slot that imbalances the teams without playing, it gives the other team an advantage.

Sportsmanship problems like leaving to kill dominations / teamstacking and purposely forcing a balance to switch teams are grounds for punishment.


[size=12pt]Important If you flatout do not like micspam, just use the [color=yellow]!micspam[/color] command, it blocks micspam right away.[/size]

If you play a clip or a song, make sure it's in good quality. If the sound is too high, it'll become scratchy and is really annoying to hear. There are plenty of guides on how to do this properly.

Please switch up your material. It's generally annoying to hear the same thing over and over and over several times per match.

Be respectful of others, if you can tell everyone is playing a serious game and they're all talking with each other, that isn't the best time to play music.

Don't play over each other. I'm sure that one is really a given.

Last edited : by Administration

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