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Discussion: [2/7/2013] Group news! New stuff coming for Minecraft, server up posted in Archives

2/7/2013 - Group News!

Hello everyone! Rowdy here with an entire slew of announcements for you all to stare at and get angry over. Let us commence!

New Minecraft server coming, replacing Tekkit.

The Tekkit server has been running a long time, but as things have gone on, we're starting to reach the limits of things in Tekkit to do. I've been asked numerous times if we have any plans to do something with the Feed the Beast mod, and various major mods that have sprouted up as time moved on.

I do not have plans for FTB, but rather, a community modpack made by fellow Southern Cross members themselves! Yash, Caervec and I have been testing it out in a seperate server for a few days onw, and we have much more testing to do before we're finished. But I wanted to give everyone a heads up now.

As far as things go with the Tekkit server, I can't really say what will happen yet. While I'd like to preserve the land and the things people have built, it is time to start over as the server itself has gotten very laggy.

For now, I'll leave you with this screenshot of what's to come!

Beta Testing new features in Tf2

Just a follow up to some stuff I've put up this week! I've put up a beta of a !ignore feature that'll shut up whomever is driving you up the wall.

We'll be doing other experiments during the weekend so get your science hats on!

This week's movie

Assisstant's needed

I'm looking for an assistant again! Someone to help me organize events, remind me of important things, what have you! My last one got caught up in personal stuff so I'd like to have a new one! Interested, let me know! Drop me a note or add me on skype! "rowedahelicon"

-New minecraft server coming soon
-Stuff this weekend

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