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Discussion: A recap of the recent group meeting + important fixes posted in Archives

Hey everyone, just wanted to throw out a quick update to you all , mostly for those who missed the last group meeting.

To sum up everything Tl;DR style

-In order to help with the recent player counts , as well as bring back those we've lost during the IP changes, we will be putting up an advertisement on Furaffinity withing the coming week or so.

-I'm working on new incentives on joining the forums for those that wish to do so, some of which will be important to picking admins later on!

-I'm also re-doing a lot of the group website in order to make it the most detailed / easy to use group website in the history of forever.

-We're dropping the Gmod server in favor of a CS:S Jailbreak server

-We will be looking for admins for it soon

I'm also re-tooling some server stuff , mostly annoyance fixin's like cutting down on chat spam and such.


-Fixed a VALVE problem in mvm_bigrock where there are no spectating cameras, if the entire team dies the server will crash. You are now able to spectate bots in order to stop that from happening

-Fixed an issue with group messages not showing up on Front Line Fudge

-Started various updates that I can't really bore you with now.

That's all for now!


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