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Discussion: Missed Herraberry Transfer posted in Archives

I'm not used to writing in forums, I'm more of a lurker. But I finally got pressured enough to write this, and the server's been down all morning, so I have nothing better to do D:

I had computer issues and was unable to run MC till after the old server went down. I was wondering if there's a possibility of still having some things transferred. Here is a list of some of what I can remember.

54 stacks of books
54 stacks of bread
54 stacks of seeds
about 8 stacks of track
about 5 stacks of powered track
lots of redstone torches and powder
18 blocks of diamond
20 blocks of gold
I don't need the 810 stacks of cobblestone :D
(Yes, I had 15 FULL chests of cobblestone!)

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