[img width=700 height=526]https://d.facdn.net/art/rowedahelicon/1322909666.rowedahelicon_lookmeintheeye.png[/img]
I come to everyone with an important message tonight, we are in need of donations , now more than ever.
I lost my job earlier this year and have since having issues getting hold of the dosh needed to continue running the group. Between personal problems I've had to take care of, having to move every server between hosts, and various hardware issues; it's been a tough ride.
If you're able to help out the group by donating, I'd highly appreciate it as would everyone here who has ever had fun or will continue to have fun playing here.
If we're unable to secure the funds we need, then I have no choice but to close down the servers. We've already closed down a few to help ease up on the budget, but with the host we're using, we can't safely dwindle the group down to only 1 or 2 servers without running the risk of the host ultimately being unable to support herself as well.
Any amount will do, and if we are unable to make our goal ($150.00) then anyone who donated as of this month will have their donations refunded.
Thank you for reading this message, I wish you all a good day.
If you're interested in helping out, check out this page.
And don't forget, we're still taking names for the fundraising event!
P.S. Regardless of the above, we will remain up until November 1st.