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Discussion: {SCG} Geary posted in Archives

Banned for 3 days on 7/7/2012 by Tellah for team switching

Also, I told geary a while back that next time he team switched I was going to give him a 3 day ban . As he use to do it alot . And when I joined the game they were calling him on it . SO can I go ahead and do it =
[8:57:32 PM] Rowdy: okie, no probs
[8:58:24 PM] Tell: the chat is stored in the SM logs right ? I think I should have it from when I told him in the past
[8:58:55 PM] Rowdy: Yeah
[8:58:58 PM] Rowdy: Actually
[8:59:00 PM] Rowdy: the main tf2 logs

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