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Discussion: The Hour of The Quest~! posted in Archives

Done in MyPaint on Ubuntu, these are just a bunch of silly pictures I've drawn along with my comic (an adventure time joke) I'm working on.

Criticism appreciated, blah blah blah, enjoy and whatnot.
(The people drawn go to their respective owners)
(Yes I'm a sucker for drawing my friends)
(Yes you can be in it too if you want)
[size=24pt][Title Page][/size]
[img width=617 height=700][/img]
[size=24pt][Chapter 1 Arts][/size]

[size=14pt][Cave Attack][/size]
[img width=700 height=668][/img]

[size=14pt][Shit, I missed][/size]
[img width=700 height=413][/img]

Last edited : by Administration

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