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Today's events : =Friday Night Gaming= Team Fortress 2
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Discussion: Genesis posted in Archives

Hello. What I have here before you is my attempt to construct a role playing scenario in only about five minutes of planning. You should know the standard rules for role playing, so please follow them.

Please? Cool.


Blinding light.
Light that manages to penetrate straight through the fogged, inch-thick glass of all the cryogenic units in storage, actually.

Lined in one hundred rows of one hundred cryogenic pods lie the remains of a dying civilization, sent into the depths of space as a last-ditch effort to salvage what was left of their population. Nuclear warfare, it seems, is a threat to even civilizations more advanced than we. Before they had completely destroyed their race, they had succeeded in creating a generation ship, which could be used to travel large distances through space while its inhabitants are placed into a state of suspended animation. After traveling approximately 1,500 light years away from the race's original star, it has entered what its inboard observatories have determined to be a solar system that may contain a habitable planet. As per protocol set up during the initial exodus, all significant crew members will be awoken and sent to analyze the incoming data.

Which is exactly what's happening right now.

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