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Discussion: Ban recording report template posted in Archives

The following Template is for archiving recorded bans in the event of a ban investigation.


When adding a ban, search to see if there is a record already for the name involved. Use the search option to find the name / steam id (steam:0:0:xxxxxxxx). If there is no thread, start a new one. If there is a thread, post a reply with the following info.

Name of thread should be the general name of the person and their steam id in the 64 bit format (steam:0:0xxxxxxxx) , if nickname or name changer then use (John doe - steam id)

Copy the template below.

**Name:**<br />**Steam account:**<br />**Minecraft name:**<br />**Date banned:**<br />**Reason(s) banned:**<br />**Description of ban:**<br />**Name of Admin(s) in charge of ban:**<br />**Notes:**

It's important that you use the proper steam id in the event we need to search for a name, multiple entries of the same name will cause clutter.

Last edited : by Administration

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