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Discussion: Skyrimjob Gamejam and why I'm mad posted in Archives

Originally posted here :
When Skyrimjob was finished, this is all the extra shit they accomplished in one week. Future DLC? Various parts for free? Who knows.
I mad. >:C

So why exactly am I mad at this event in particular? I dislike the way the company advertises it's hard work here when the game was actually finished. Now obviously this differs from other game cases like Mafia II where they had shipped the game with the dlc; Skyrim was already done, this was just like an okay guys lol why don't we go ahead and invent as much shit as we can as possible? Lawl!

That means when the game was done, preparing to get shipped, etc; the programmers just sat around like kids in their basement and programmed as many mods and shit as they could. Given that they knew how the engine worked and had a sense of what to do, they mad several amazing improvements in such a short time. One of which was spears, which Todd was quoted saying they wouldn't be in the game as it was impossible.

hurr spears are impossible
added them in the game in less than a week

There is obviously something wrong with that statement. In addition to just shiny toys and stuff we don't get to have (We may get them for free, we may pay for them.) they took that week to do all of that shit instead of fix any of these.

If those additions come out as DLC, then you can be sure they were made with the intention of doing so. Granted that Todd Howard is bullshit and lies like this numerously, it can be safe to say that Bethesda reeks of corporate bullshit, as well as regular bullshit.

Dlc > working games.

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