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Discussion: Alien Exodus posted in Archives

[color=green]Alien Exodus:[/color] [color=red]Escape from Infection[/color]

[color=blue]Relative Space Time in comparison to Earth:[/color] March 17th, 2193

[color=blue]Location:[/color] Andromeda Galaxy, Spiral Alpha, Sector 7717, Fangais System, Planet Fangais

[color=blue]Current Developmental Status of Nearest Intelligent Lifeform:[/color] Galaxy Jumping

[color=blue]Current Dominant Species:[/color] Nit'teks

[color=blue]Other Intelligent Life:[/color] Multiple mixed heritage. Too many to classify.


[color=red]A message from OP:[/color]
Ahem, people of the forum, this is my RP. I would appreciate if you could follow the standard rules of conduct when it comes to roleplay of any sort.


[color=purple]Historical Background of Fangais (Fan-gay):[/color]

The history of Fangais is turbulent. The planet has been racked by many a natural disaster, intellectual overthrow, planet-wide dictatorships, evolutionary battles, biological warfare, ect. ect. Therefore, most of the known history of the planet has been wiped many times.

The longest dated records fall back about twelve to thirteen thousand years. The last purge of information occurred about, three months ago, when Portical (Basically, a dictator's title) Kreth'Heteta, called for all knowledge of any other rulers to be burned and erased from time, as he declared himself "The one and only god to rule you all."

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, Nit'teks are a nasty group of people. They're scaly and hard to take down. They could be seen reminiscent to walking alligators, standing at around seven feet tall. They have brutish builds, thick hands with nails that could impale most other species' on the planet, and digitigrade legs that end in three terrible claws. They're a bit stupid in general, however, you can get a rare smart one.

Our protagonist, which I will get to later on wards,  is known as a "Gredger". They rule second when it comes to politics, because they're the most rare and intelligent, and therefore, vital to keeping this shithole of a planet together. They're quite lean when it comes to builds. They almost resemble the Nit'teks, are are often referred to as their minions or lessers. They have large, triangular disks that run the length of their backs, and tails. The main difference is the skin tone, as they tend to be reddish in color. Their most presentable trait is their extreme resilience to temperatures and harsh environments. If you were to leave one in a tundra with no clothes, it could survive being frozen into a giant block of ice.

Mind you, there are many other species that occupy the planet. I'll leave that choice up to you guys when you start this shit up. Create them any way you wish, give them strengths and weaknesses! Or you could be Gredger or Nit'tek. I could care less.


The "Almighty Portical" has declared that the outbreak of Cenzenian Scale-burrowers is the cause to be of all lesser species that occupy the planet. Therefore, he has released a toxin into the atmosphere that completely targets all other species. Why he thought that there would be no backfire, I have no clue. This chemical had undergone no testing of any sort. Its mutational properties are yet unknown to the civilians of Fangais. All they know is, they're on a one way ticket off this rock.


Kret'Sii is one of the little remaining of his brethren. He is one of a dying species known as the Gredger. He stares at his television in front of him. His tail knocks back and forth slowly, as his focus towards the television furthers more. He looks down at his hands. He holds something that is key to the outright survival of the Gredger. His chromosomes are stored in the small metallic capsule, resembling that of a pen. His grey robe, outfitted with an Advanced Vitals Monitoring System, or AdVitSys, is slowly pulsing blue, indicating good health.

He was hoping to god that the chemicals weren't causing whatever was spreading around the globe. Entire towns swept of inhabitants, only to be left with a disgusting biomass that covers every surface of the damned city. Well, at least nobody knows where they are. Nobody can ever come back alive to tell. Of course, Captain Ignorant, declares that Gredgers are spreading this virus. Everyone knows hes blowing steam out his ass, but the Nit'teks aren't too pleased. In fact, one is about to blow his door wide off its mechanical hinges.

A loud explosion rattles his metal abode.
His head perks up, the hood falling away. His long horns curved slightly back along his head, his ear holes hidden just beneath. He tastes the air.

Plastic explosives, and Nit'tek. Fucking disgusting taste.

He opens a metal case next to him. A Cizsiza Model 3k1 Pulse Eliminator. He shoulders the shotgun-esque gun, shoving forward the rectangular pump. He hears massive steps nearing the doorway. A shadow covers the base of the door. He points the gun promptly at the door, and gets ready to pull the trigger.

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