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Discussion: Share your Personality! posted in Archives

What's your personality according to the Myers-Briggs or Jung personality profile? Lets share our types with each other; perhaps we can identify like minded people that we may want to consider knowing better. Or at least we can better understand one another.

I'm INTJ. AKA: "The Mastermind" or "The Scientist" and the results fit me perfectly having read the profile pages on the types. Only around 2% of the population has this personality.

A couple of free myers-briggs/Jung type tests are available online.
Examples, using my own results:

Introverted (I) 64.86% Extroverted (E) 35.14%
Intuitive (N) 52.17% Sensing (S) 47.83%
Thinking (T) 81.82% Feeling (F) 18.18%
Judging (J) 66.67% Perceiving (P) 33.33%
Your type is: INTJ
INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.

Your Type is INTJ
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
67 75 62 33
Qualitative analysis of your type formula; You are:
distinctively expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
distinctively expressed thinking personality
moderately expressed judging personality

Further reading on your results can be found on

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