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Discussion: SCG's plans for 2012 posted in Archives

Happy New Years everyone! I hope you all had an awesome time on SCG last night during our New Years Party! I know I did :P

Anyway, with the start of the new year it's also the start of new ideas, plans, things and etc. So I want to get to everything as soon as possible! First up. The servers. What of them? I have ideas. The biggest issue we took on in 2011 was how the servers were managed, more so the confusion of how to do so. We took in a lot of new and unique members and had problems keeping the ones who always had in relation to annoying factors.

The key issues were and are; The model plugin to those that dislike it, Saxton Hale to those who dislike it, micspam to those who dislike it. Basically the people that dislike something have been making themselves more apparent than those who do like it, which is only normal. But it causes problems overall because we'll remove something and just piss off the other 50%. With us hitting 800 members, and going ever so closely to the almighty 1000, I've been considering more servers as a way to fix this issue.

There is a problem however.

In hosting these servers, I spend almost 100 dollars a month, roughly 60 of that is just on TF2 alone. This is fine as it is because every server is active and used, unlike before where one server would be empty always until we played around with it. So to start making new things I have to ensure that there will be a good enough crowd to take to them. Good consistant players means more donators, more donators means less worry for me come next month :P

TF2 also goes through spouts of popularity, not to mention college sessions, real life events, etc. So there are a lot of troubling factors here. I'm being overly pessimistic but that's how you have to be when money is on the line. But anyway, this is my plan providing I can get the resources to do so.


Chocolate Server
-Just like how it is now, some silly tools for admins, a good map selection, stock gamemodes only

Vanilla Server
-As the name implies, Vanilla maps and Stock Game modes, no silly tools for admins, only ban critical ones.

Strawberry Server
-Multimod server only: Prophunt, Dodgeball, Zombie Fortress, Gun Game, etc

Rainbow Server
-Multimod and Stock gamemode, similar to Strawberry except with the addition of the model plugin, other silly things, and stock modes

-24/7 Saxton Hale


Q: Why do we ever have a Saxton server?

A: While a lot of people are opposed to Saxton, it's worked out just as much as I'd hoped it would. Saxton Hale is one of the most popular Tf2 mods and people love using it. But the mod itself is buggy as hell. So having it mixed into the multimod servers no longer works because it severly increases the crash risk. Not to mention when we put it on, people who liked playing it played it on their times, allowing other games to prosper on the other servers with no problems.

That's the only question ATM, feel free to ask more and I'll add them in. Also, feel free to comment on the post in general. This is a community and I love hearing new ideas and such.


[size=14pt]OTHER PLANS[/size]

So far the only other major plan in mind is a Monday Night Combat 2 server.

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