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Discussion: Want a nice story? my awesome night/horrible morning posted in Archives

    Last night I snuck out of the house to go to a furmeet. Totally worth it!..but also, still feeling the effects of it. :/ Here's what I said to a friend of mine:

    Ya so it was a fucking blast. We met at an old harveys, ten people, two fursuiters, within' five minutes we hit the streets of toronto and went to the theater.

    Watched Puss and Boots...twas awesome. Loved the derpy bird. Then we went on a street car to Flow's house (the host), aaand we had a nice halloween party with candy, a pinata, industrial strength jello, then we watched another movie that I didn't finish before I had to leave.

    All was going great but then I got back to union station and missed the last bus of the day back to Aurora by two minutes. -_- I didn't want to call my mum about it cause after all, I had to lie to her to get out. So I took the subway as far north as I could, then the buslines...but then I got to Steele and Yonge intercection and that's where things got reeeeally hairy. Since VIVA and YRT are on strike, there were abosulutely no busses running between Aurora and the edge of toronto, so people suggested that I go to a GO station west of that intercection to catch a train at 5:30 in the morning. I go there, check the shedual and it was a saturday so the train wasn't running at the time, AND it didn't even go to Aurora. So I then got lost on the bus lines heading east from Steele and Yonge intercection, fell asleep on the bus at one point (during all of this 7 hour trip I was freezeing my ass off), then finally got back to Steele and Yonge and said, "Fuck it...I'm gonna walk and hitchhike." The thing is...that's like a 2 day walk...and to top it off....I didn't know hitchhiking was illegal so a cop pulled over, took my information, called my mom and then took me to the police station. It wasn't an was just a pickup and she had to tell me all about the dangeres of hitchhiking. The lady officer was really nice about it. Then I passed out at the police station for a good hour and woke up to my mum walking in to pick me up. I then precceded home and just got through telling her all about the furry fandom. She doesn't mind it, (I figured that but was still paranoid of course) but she just doesn't want me to be that un-safe again.

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