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Discussion: ==Map discussion thread== For suggesting new maps / map removals posted in Archives

This thread has two goals! For posting suggestions for new maps for us to use, and to protest / discuss maps we currently have!

Guidelines are simple, if you'd like to suggest a map, post up a link for us to download it, and maybe some words of encouragement or a quick explanation of said map.

However, if you'd like to protest a map, we ask that you be a bit more detailed in your post! For example...

Tell us why you don't like the map, you must include (legit) reasons like, too one sided, broken, glitched, overplayed, outdated. Stuff like that, simply saying this map sucks because I hate it holds no merit and I'm afraid there is nothing I can do!

So go on and post, let us know what you want or dislike!

Last edited : by Administration

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