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Discussion: Let's... ramble inanely about Left Behind 3! posted in Archives

Yesterday I stumbled upon the Left Behind games website to find that they were giving away a single game from their store for free!  My eye was immediately drawn to Left Behind 3:  Rise of the Antichrist, as I wasn't even aware that they made a sequel to Eternal Forces.  After a 1.3 gb download, I was ready to play!

This looks promising.

I soon found myself on the title screen, watching terrible CGI versions of rennaisance devotional artwork...

...followed a moment later by a timeline of US history.

I'm in for a treat.

I am currently playing through the tutorial, so i will not go into gameplay until I have something better to say.  However, I will run through the highlights.  One thing I am rather enjoying so far is how every unit in the game has a life story accessable from their unit profile.  For example, one of the units was a 16 year old who was corrupted as a youth by the godless influence of... THE BEATLES!  Another robbed a bank before becoming a member of a group of 'Satanist Skinheads' while in prison.  Another source of entertainment I have found is the text in the screen between missions.  Rather then describing them, I will leave them here for all to see. 

Well.  I'm convinced.  Praise Jebus.

(Edit: If you need me to explain why the above is a downright rediculous arguement, feel free to ask.)

I shall end this post here.  If this garners any interest, I will continue.

Last edited : by Administration

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