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Discussion: Anyone else play Xbox 360? posted in Archives

Just a legitimate question =3

My laptop is crapping out on me, so I've been playing a lot of Xbox. I'm hoping I can find more people to play with though, cause Playing L4D2 on console with kids gets really frustrating.

I'm gonna list games I have, if I have something you'd like to play with me, let me know =D

My Gamertag is Jushiness

Xbox 360 Games

Battlefield Bad Company 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Halo Reach
Blazblue Continuum Shift
Tekken 6
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare edition

Arcade Games

Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Puzzle Fighter HD
Bomberman Live
Fancy Pants Adventures
Deadliest Warrior
Monday Night Combat
Perfect Dark 64

If you add me, just leave me a message on xbox that you're from scg and who ya are. Or leave me a message here =3

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