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Discussion: Bartering List! posted in Archives

I'm going to take it upon myself to put down a list of items and their 'worth' as a grade from 1 to 256. Anything with a list of '0' means it cannot be used in the Bartering System UNLESS the specified trader wishes to give it a monetary value.

Also, Merchants are merchants, you can haggle with someone, but it doesn't mean you can get something worth 128 for 2 stacks of torches...

Example: Mycelium is high priced due to the fact no one has openly discovered it -yet-.

Stone: 4
Grass Block: 48
Dirt: 0
Bedrock: 0
Water: 0
Lava: 0
Sand: 0
Gravel: 0
Gold Ore: 16
Iron Ore: 4
Coal Ore: 4
Wood (Regular): 4
Wood (Birch): 8
Wood (Pine): 4
Leaves (Regular): 1
Leaves (Pine): 1
Lapis Lazuli Ore: 0
Sandstone: 2
Tall Grass: 2
Fern: 8
Dead Bush: 0
Dandelion: 4
Rose: 4
Brown Mushroom: 4
Red Mushroom: 4
Diamond Ore: 128
Redstone Ore: 16
Snow: 0 (Not snow -block-)
Snow Block: 4
Ice: 32
Cactus: 4
Clay Block: 4
Sugar Cane: 2
Pumpkin: 8
Huge Brown Mushroom: 36
Huge Red Mushroom: 36
Vines: 4
Mycelium: 128
Lily Pad: 8
End Portal Frame: 0
Fire: 0
Cobblestone: 1
Obsidian: 32
Wooden Plank: 1
Cobweb: 48
Colored Wool: 16
White Wool: 8
All Slabs: 4
Bookshelf: 16
Mossy Cobblestone: 16
All Stairs: 4
Crafting Table: 4
Furnace: 8
Torch: 1
Monster Spawner: 128
Chest: 8
Wooden Door: 6
Iron Door: 12
Iron Bars: 2
Fence: 2
Fence Gate: 4
Sign: 4
Ladder: 4
Rail: 4
Powered Rail: 8
Button Rail: 6
Button: 8
Lever: 2
Glass: 4
Glass Pane: 1
Soulsand: 4
Netherack: 0
Glowstone: 8
Portal: 0
Nether Brick: 4
Nether Brick Fence: 6
Nether Brick Stairs: 4
Dispenser: 24
Pressure Triggers: 4
Note Block: 8
Jukebox: 24
Brew Station: 16
Enchantment Table: 64
Cauldron: 16
Piston: 16
Sticky Piston: 24
Brick BlocK: 8

Wood Tools: 1
Stone Tools: 2
Iron Tools: 16
Gold Tools: 32
Diamond Tools: 128
Leather Armor: 4/6/8/12 (Shoes, Helm, Pants, Chest)
Iron Armor: 12/18/24/32
Chainmail Armor: 0/0/0/0
Gold Armor: 24/32/48/64
Diamond Armor: 64/90/128/150
Coal: 1
Iron Ingot: 4
Gold Ingot: 16
Diamond: 32
Red Stone Dust: 1
Glow Stone Dust: 1
Lapis Lazuli: 1
All Dyes: 1
Bone: 4
Bonemeal: 1
Squid Ink: 4
Raw Porkchop: 2
Raw Beef: 2
Raw Chicken: 4
Feather: 2
Flint: 1
Arrow: 2
Bow: 16
Fishing Rod: 8
String: 4
Bucket: 16
Bucket (Water): 16
Bucket (Lava): 32
Bucket (Milk): 24
Flint and Steel: 4
Blaze Rod: 8
Bowl: 1
Seeds: 1
Nether Wart: 16/4 (But degrades in value the more you offer)
Gun Powder: 16
Rotten Flesh: 1
Cooked Meat: 8 (Includes Chicken, Fish, Porkchop, and Beef)
Mushroom Soup: 6
Golden Apple: 128
Cocoa Beans: 24
Cookie: 2
Bread: 4
Wheat: 2
Cake: 24
Melon Slice: 4/1 (Increased value when limited)
Pumpkin Seeds: 4/1
Melon Seeds: 4/1
Spider Eye: 8
Fermented Spider Eye: 12
Sugar: 1
Paper: 1
Book: 1
Map (Unused): 16
Map (Used): 4
Compass: 8
Clock: 16
Redstone Repeater: 16
Egg: 4
Sticks: 1
Fish: 1
Leather: 2
Ghast Tear: 32
Slime Ball: 16
Magma Cream: 24
Gold Nugget: 8
Glistering Melon: 12
Brick: 4
Clay Ball: 2
Snow Ball: 1

Glass Bottle: 2
Water Bottle: 4
Mundane Potion: 6
Thick Potion: 6
Awkward Potion: 8
Splash Potions: Add 50% of the base price. (6 = 9. 12 = 18. And so on)
Potion of Healing: 16
Potion of Healing II: 24
Potion of Fire Resistance: 36
Potion of Fire Resistance (Extended): 48
Potion of Regeneration: 24
Potion of Regeneration (Extended): 36
Potion of Regeneration II: 48
Potion of Strength: 24
Potion of Strength (Extended): 36
Potion of Strength II: 48
Potion of Swiftness: 12
Potion of Swiftness Extended: 24
Potion of Swiftness II: 36
Potion of Poison: 8
Potion of Poison (Extended): 12
Potion of Poison II: 16
Potion of Weakness: 6
Potion of Weakness (Extended): 9
Potion of Slowness: 24
Potion of Slowness (Extended): 36
Potion of Harming: 24
Potion of Harming II: 36

These are paid for acting out services in exchange for bartering. Any scammers who get out of their services will be punished, same goes for those who don't pay those who provide services.
Farm Duty: 8 Per Game Day (Tending to Fields, Required Tool: Hoe)
Lumberjack: 2 Per Tree (Cutting Trees Down and Harvesting their wood and/or leaves, Required Tool: Axe/Shears)
Miner: 8/16/32/64 Per Delving (Going into Mines and gathering specific ores, the more dangerous the more pay. Required Tool: Pickaxe/Shovel)
Forge Master: 8 Per Game Day (Working the Forges and Switching them out. No Tool Required)
Workshop Master: 4 Per Game Day (Building Specific Objects Repeatedly using Workshop Tables. No Tool Required)
Landscaping: 4/16 Per Game Day (Depending on build, removal and shaping of the land. The more complex, the better pay. Tool: Pickaxe, Shovel, and Axe)
Merchant: 8 Per Game Day (Sells Items from a vendor location. Tool: Bartering Skills and a good personality)
Hunter: 2/4/8/16 Per Game Day (Depending on location and the target to hunt, kills monsters and animals to collect supplies for the employer. Fishermen count in this service. Tool: Sword/Bow/Fishing Rod)
Builder: Commissioned Work (Due to the complexities of building, all building services are commissioned based on an agreement between the employer and the worker)
Delivery Specialist: 4/16 Per Delivery (Paid on arrival, depending on the distance and location of the delivery can affect the price. Tools: Food and Running!)
Alchemist: 8 Per Game Day (Creates Specific Potions for the employer. Tools Required: Knowledge of Potion Craft)
Bodyguard: 8/32 Per Game Day (Like hunter, except protects the employer as a bodyguard against attackers. The more dangerous the situation, the more pay there is. Tools: Sword/Bow)

NOTE: Enchantments can be very risky if you don't know what you're doing, so I didn't add them to the bartering list. Maybe already enchanted gear can have price increases, but you haggle it yourselves.

Anything else you can think of, let me know. Same for if I missed some things.

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