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Today's events : =Friday Night Gaming= Team Fortress 2
Border Collie
Oct 05th
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Discussion: Interp and you, a guide on how to adjust your interp settings fo posted in Team Fortress 2

Okay so let's start, what is interp? Interp is an intentional game delay added into TF2 (and other source games) to smooth out movements of players that have janky internet. With console commands, you are able to adjust these settings and are encouraged to do so as Valve's stock settings are pretty outdated.

Reducing your lerp time gives you the following benefits.

  1. Reduced time between pressing a button / clicking your mouse and the action happening
  2. Better projectile detection (both going out and coming in)
  3. Better aim prediction (aim where you want rather than accounting for compensated movement)

But it also has some downsides

  1. The server needs to be properly setup for it, SCG is, but you may need to have adjustments for other servers. Consider using config files!
  2. Really laggy players may even appear even laggier if they cannot send packets as fast as you're asking for them
  3. Some animations may play incorrectly if you're set too low

Commands to use:

cl_interp <time>: Time being in seconds, so like cl_interp 0.030 = 0.30 seconds or 30 microseconds. It is best to start at 0 (cl_interp 0) and go up from there.

Use your net_graph 1 settings as a guidance!

enter image description here

Your lerp setting is obvious a reflection of your lerp settings. If your setting is white, you're in a "normal" range, yellow is considered "optimal", red is way too low and orange is where you may start to see some fuck ups.

cl_interp_ratio: Set this to 1 or 2, will save yourself a lot of time.

cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate: cmd rate is your rate at which you send commands, updaterate is at the rate in which you receive them. You can try setting both of these to "66", as they default to around 20/30. If your connection isn't the best, you may encouter problems so it's best to leave these alone unless you feel like testing it out.

NOTE: It should be noted you cannot change these settings while in game. This was added to stop abuse, instead you must do it from the main menu or even better, set it in an autoconfig.cfg before you even launch the game. If you don't know how to do that, it's simply making a file called autoconfig.cfg in your /steam/steamapps/common/team fortress 2/tf/cfg folder!

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