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Discussion: {7/17/2013} Community journal - INSTALL GENTOO edition posted in Archives

Hello everyone! Sorry I skipped last week's journal and was so late with this one. As hopefully a lot of you know, I've been very busy with the server transfers! YES! We are moving to a new IP address finally after almost 3 months of talking about it. First post will be here, explaining why we are doing so.

Why we are switching IP's and what the new ones are! A guide here!

What will happen after all of these switches?

Now that we have our own hardware and all kinds of potential, we'll be exploring things outside of TF2. Fun games, but will keep it close to a general playability field. Meaning games that are fun but handle well on everyone's computers, and are cheap and accessible, or maybe even piratable!
Too many games today have heavy requirements and become tainted with stupid shit like DLC , P2W concepts and restrictive DRM. Rather than try to build a community around throw away games. I want to explore the idea of gaming on memories that have been forgotten due to more popular games.

Temporary patch notes for fixes while we switch!

Because of the major tf2 update, there have been bugs sprouting up which I haven't had the time to take care of because I've been working to get these new servers set up. But I have taken care of some of them, so here is some quickie notes for you.
-Moved Chocolate to it's new home, added in a direction bot to push you to the new server
-Removed RTD due to a bug with the medic's cross bow launcher
-Removed Ghosty mod due to a bug with Gaben
-Removed CBS due to a bug with FF2
-Removed Slenderman due to a bug with FF2
-Removed Scouts due to a bug with FF2
-Added in vsh_crevice to the map list
KEEP IN MIND! A lot of these removes are temporary. Freak Fortress is very broken at the moment due to the recent tf2 update and it's caused a series of problems which will be fixed by the creator asap.
-Removed dodgeball until it can be fixed
*Ditto, same problem as above

I'm sorry if I've seemed too busy or despondent lately!

[quote]Linux is not a fun thing to learn when you're working against time you don't have. >w

Last edited : by Administration

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