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Discussion: Important! An update regarding server switches and upcoming summ posted in Archives

In regards to the server switches dicussed last month, they are still happening! I am having a "significant" problem with my host currently and I'm trying to keep everything running smoothly and making sure we won't lose anything and it's been a bit of a challenge.

Basically, the costs of keeping everything running are too damn high, and I've been working to relocate to a cheaper option, however all the options I have had handed to me or looked at were somewhat iffy and requires either too much time or money, stuff I don't have!

What's goin' on now is that we have a place getting set up, same location, same hardware but at a better cost. I spend roughly $240.00 out of my own pocket / donations to get everything goin' but after this switch, it'll be around 100 dollars! Much easier on me!

Once we're all settled in and I can push all this stress behind me, we'll start doing cool shit again like better events and contests and whatnot. This is going to be a fun summer, I promise.

Since the hardware we'll have is a bit more flexible at a better cost, we can also experiment with new servers for other games! I'm thinking Halo? S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ?

Anyway, right now my work here is being focused on making sure we don't have any major downtime and getting everyone informed. If you'd like to help out, the best way to do so is to help spread the word! Donating always helps as well, but I don't want to give the impression that you're only as handy as the money in your pocket.

You all mean so much to me, and even with all the stress and hard work I and my friends pitch in to keep things running smoothly, it's all worth it for the joy you bring me...

..even though I get the occasional headache from all the bickering about mini sentries. DX


If you're still reading and haven't gotten bored, then you're awesome and I love you extra more and it means you pay attention like a trooper! One other thing I want to address is how bad I am as far as taking notes and fixing problems!

So here is this!

A ticket system for sending in reports to me that I can return on asap! Of course, you can always bug me but when I say bug me, I mean you really need to bug me about it >w> I get forgetful.


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