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Discussion: Movie night! Suggestion & watched thread! posted in Archives

Hello all! I thought I'd finally put up this thread regarding movie night. Here you can suggest movies for us to watch together as well as see what we've already watched.

The movie stream link is
Warning: It is no longer , I had to close that account due to a technical issue!

Past movies watched :[/size]

The Iron Giant , Spaceballs , Repo : A genetic Opera , The Nightmare before Christmas , A Charlie Brown Christmas (In Japanese!) , The Incredibles , The Fifth Element , Super Troopers , The Room , Machette , Death Proof , Falling Down , Atlantas , Lotr 1 , Lotr 2 , Lotr 3 , Animal Crossing Anime , Wreck it Ralph , Foodfight

-And many more that I need to go look back and see!-


Got lag problems with Livestream? There may be a solution for you! Check out this thread!


**This stream is protected under the MPAA's guide to streaming movies, we are not considered a public performance as we're all friends in a private enclosure. However, if the average audience for a movie got too large, I will be forced to cease movie night and find some other way to continue. If any gooberment men want to tell me to stop, they can reach me at [email protected] **

Last edited : by Administration

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