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Discussion: Minecraft Report! 8D posted in Archives

This is the first of what will likely be monthly reports on what's going on with Minecraft and what people want changed in it as well as any suggestions for rule changes and non-technical news.

Suggestions for the Heraberry (normal) server:
-Animal spawn eggs added to the /shop at a high cost. Reason: getting an animal to follow you to a pain in the butt location such as across and ocean or to a mountain top farm using wheat is a pain in the butt. 2 eggs at high cost to let people farm wherever.

-Increase total number of ownable residences, 5 is too little, 10 would probably cause excessive use of residences, so I'd suggest 8 as the new max.

Issues related to the server (very detailed):
Minor: 0
Major: 0
OMGWTFBBQ?!?!?!?!?: 0

Note from the author:
If anyone reads this, please let me know what you think of the report, anything I should include in the report and future suggestions for the server you'd like me to mention in the report.

Have fun everyone!


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