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Discussion: [2/13/13] Server maintenance overnight tonight, adding new toys posted in Archives

Server Maintenance overnight tonight!

Just a heads up, tonight, /very late/ in the morning when everyone has gone to bed, I'll be turning off the servers and adding / fixing stuff one by one.

So check the forums tomorrow for the list of stuff, so far on my list I have planned...

  1. Going to fix the installs of a few different servers
  2. Going to add in some new maps to MvM to play around with
  3. Going to play with some experimental admin tools
  4. Fix various bugs in Tf2 / Minecraft
  5. Going to edit the map system Chocolate uses
  6. Going to add in more goof-offy stuff to Sundae server
  7. Various other things I don't want to say unless I know they work.

Vote : What kind of voting system do you like?

I've put up a vote on our forums regarding the voting process in the Tf2 servers, check it out if you got a moment!

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