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Discussion: Now looking for people to help out with events / minecraft / Vid posted in Archives

I do a lot in this group, I'm top tier maintenance man who totally never breaks anything ever, but with that and the stuff I do irl, I simply don't have enough time to do a lot of the stuff I want to do. This includes group events, gatherings for game meets, so on and so forth. So now that I have a better idea as to what I want to do, I'm going to need some help to do it!

For the most part, I'd like to look for some people to discussing events / parties and such over Skype with me and anyone else I pick, so that we can bring a bit of extra fun into this group. I'd be able to provide as much help as I could server wise depending on what we'd come up with. This can include almost anything, birthdays for members, questions for trivia night, arg events, game meetups , and anything else we can think of. If you think you'd like to be apart of this and you have a skype account, email your name, steam page, skype name and anything you think you'd think I should know to my email @ [email protected]

Next part! I'm also looking for someone who'd be willing to occasionally render some replays / demos for us! They don't have to be super artistic creations, just renders with the SCG intro that ACampingNoob made for us! Would you like to help out? Email your name, steam page,  and anything you think you'd think I should know to my email @ [email protected]

Last one is for Minecraft! While I've been doing some work with MC myself, I wouldn't say I'm as educated as I should be. So what I'd like to do is bring in maybe one or two people to help work on the RPG side of things. With the ARG event that I had set up, I learned that we can do a lot with the world without bothering those who'd just like to come on and build. If you'd like to help and be apart of that email your name, steam page, skype name and anything you think you'd think I should know to my email @ [email protected]

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