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Discussion: Server Get! Virtual Chest posted in Archives

[size=8pt]I tried getting Escargo Express to handle this, but they won't.[/size]

As of now, we and will be using a plugin called "Virtual Chest". What is it? It is a literal virtual chest. You open it, drop in some items, close it. When the server gets reset, we just take the files and shoot em over to the new one. Log in, grab your stuff, you're good to go.

How does it work?

/gp ? 1,2 or 3 - to see the help's page (1,2 or 3)
/gp c (|ChestName) - open the chest ChestName. If no ChestName provided, use the default chest. (by default your first chest)
/gp s (PlayerName) - send the content of your default chest to the PlayerName
/gp e ChestName - empty the selected chest.
/gp b (large OR normal) ChestName - buy a new chest with the type and the name choosen
/gp u (|ChestName) - Upgrade the default chest if no ChestName is provided and if it's a normal chest.
/gp set ChestName (default OR send) - Set the ChestName as default chest or as send/receive chest for "gifts"
/gp l - List all your chests
/gp r oldName newName - Rename the chest oldName to newName
/gp rm - DESTROY the forever !

But here's the quick and easy version.

  1. Log into server,
  1. Type in /gp buy large
  2. Type in /gp c large1 (Or whatever yours is named, you can check with /gp l)
  3. Your chest will open up, drop your items inside!
  4. When the server resets, repeat step 3 and you'll have your items back!
Last edited : by Administration

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