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Discussion: Flux / Jake posted in Archives

Never tell your password to anyone.
flux: anyway
flux: 8:40 PM - {SCG} Rowdy the Crux: For now, the ban will stick, if said witness cannot provide anything to go on, then we will shorten the ban but the evidence provided to me is more than enough to keep it over night.
flux: regarldess of shortening
flux: my ultimate goal is to have any record of a ban asponged
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: So when it expires, you want it gone
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I can do that, no problem
flux: any record there of or any warning
flux: etc
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Yeah, no problem
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Clean slate
flux: really just it would be nice to hear the ban was wrong
flux: to ban
flux: and I will keep gathering witness in the meantime.
flux: sigh
flux is now Offline.
flux is now Online.
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I saw the ban was for 3 days
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I thought 6
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: so if the other guy is a no sho
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I'll unban then and there
flux: Was the ban based on potentionally on what someone else said or would have said but they havent been avaiable to come forward?
flux: I'm confused?
flux: I'm confused.
flux: not really quesiton mark.
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Ban was based on behavior, so if we can't get proof of you via voice, I'll be nice guy and unban early
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: If not, you wait the two days
flux: and someone said they had a demo of me then I take it?
flux: heh.
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: No, just that they can vouch for your behavior
flux: ah.

[7/22/2012 10:53:23 PM] Tell: 10:52 PM - Tellahleiah: You've come for Steve Lambert Cthulhu HAVE YOU
10:52 PM - Erqaw84 | 175 New V. Weapons: Yes
[7/22/2012 10:54:41 PM] Vapor (Drakon)[GT]{Dusk Sparkles}: XD
[7/22/2012 10:56:24 PM] Tell: 10:53 PM - Erqaw84 | 175 New V. Weapons: Are you selling your kunai :3?
10:53 PM - Tellahleiah: Oh wait
10:53 PM - Tellahleiah: you are not after the houwar ?

This is a first
[7/22/2012 10:59:40 PM] Vapor (Drakon)[GT]{Dusk Sparkles}: wow, XD
[7/22/2012 11:37:29 PM] Rowdy: Tellah, do you have any logs
[7/22/2012 11:37:37 PM] Rowdy: of Flux being rude to you or others?
[7/22/2012 11:37:52 PM] Tell: most of what he says is over voice
[7/22/2012 11:38:17 PM] Kenshin: console: record flux saying things
[7/22/2012 11:38:27 PM] Rowdy: Anyone aside from fireblood can vouch?
[7/22/2012 11:38:39 PM] Tell: You can speak to mia
[7/22/2012 11:38:39 PM] Rowdy: And is there anything else at all in the logs, anything?
[7/22/2012 11:38:52 PM] Rowdy: I don't have him/her on my list, could you have them write a statement?
[7/22/2012 11:39:09 PM] Tell: It will have to be tomorrow shes in germany
[7/22/2012 11:40:30 PM] Tell: Never tell your password to anyone.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
11:39 PM - Tellahleiah: What is your opinion of jake and his behaviour ?
11:40 PM - Merdreck: poopbutty
[7/22/2012 11:40:40 PM] Fao: :|
[7/22/2012 11:40:46 PM] Fao: rowdy
[7/22/2012 11:40:49 PM] Rowdy: Yes?
[7/22/2012 11:40:50 PM] Fao: you're poopbutty.
[7/22/2012 11:40:52 PM] Rowdy: :c
[7/22/2012 11:40:54 PM] Fao: and i have evidence to back it up
[7/22/2012 11:40:56 PM] Rowdy: I don't swing that way baby
[7/22/2012 11:41:17 PM] Tell:                        ^
[7/22/2012 11:41:22 PM] Tell: spacing wut
[7/22/2012 11:41:27 PM] Rowdy: wat
[7/22/2012 11:41:31 PM] Athkore: >3>
[7/22/2012 11:41:32 PM] Rowdy: Did you hit all the tabs?
[7/22/2012 11:41:42 PM] Tell: I counted in spaces
[7/22/2012 11:43:18 PM] Rowdy: lel
[7/22/2012 11:43:22 PM] Tell: 11:39 PM - Tellahleiah: What is your opinion of jake and his behaviour ?
11:40 PM - Merdreck: poopbutty
11:40 PM - Tellahleiah: Seriously though rowdy would like to know
11:40 PM - Merdreck: hes always team stacking
11:41 PM - Tellahleiah: and anything else detailed its for rowdy since he'd like to know
11:42 PM - Merdreck: idk
11:42 PM - Merdreck: both that and he always killed the nonserious no matter what
11:42 PM - Merdreck: and also he exploited orbital once
[7/22/2012 11:44:28 PM] Fao: orbital?
[7/22/2012 11:44:30 PM] Tell: and Merdreck has a good as memory as I do
[7/22/2012 11:44:36 PM] Rowdy: a map
[7/22/2012 11:44:46 PM] Rowdy: I hope
[7/22/2012 11:44:51 PM] Fao: no
[7/22/2012 11:44:58 PM] Fao: flux can magically summon orbital strikes
[7/22/2012 11:45:05 PM] Rowdy: Well I thought of the shit on hale
[7/22/2012 11:45:07 PM] Rowdy: that we had to block
[7/22/2012 11:45:12 PM] Fao: ?
[7/22/2012 11:45:18 PM] Rowdy: People would rocket me
[7/22/2012 11:45:20 PM] Rowdy: with ubers
[7/22/2012 11:45:24 PM] Rowdy: and get in unreachable places
[7/22/2012 11:46:31 PM] Fao: i'll get in your unreachable places
[7/22/2012 11:46:31 PM] Fao: ;3
[7/22/2012 11:47:01 PM] Tell: After 6 months of not playing plr_hightower we were talking about what are favorite maps and he said he knew what it was and he remembered alot of what I said about why I didn't like it . And remembered which accounts were my alts when I had only been on the server with it once before o.o
[7/22/2012 11:47:45 PM] Rowdy: Look
[7/22/2012 11:47:48 PM] Rowdy: I'm trying guys
[7/22/2012 11:47:55 PM] Rowdy: I'm trying to keep it professional
[7/22/2012 11:48:00 PM] Rowdy: But I could feel my heart racing
[7/22/2012 11:48:07 PM] Rowdy: Like seriously, I felt like I was falling
[7/22/2012 11:48:20 PM] Rowdy: So now I have to troll
[7/22/2012 11:48:29 PM] Rowdy: flux: lolss
flux: obviously lead
flux: very convienant to throw out "hes always team stacking!"
flux: you dont find it odd the invidiual went immediately into "he's always team staking"
flux: not odd at all?
flux: not the least bit conveinant?
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Well considering this started over team stacking, that would asusme you teamstack enough for people to pick up on it
flux: that's funny considering I dont
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Well we're at an impass
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Clearly you're not going to agree with what i say
flux: in all seriousness though
flux: do you know find it
flux: VERY convienant
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Not really no
flux: that's the FIRST thing the person said
flux: is the point you're trying to prove
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: The first thing they said was poopbutty
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: I find that gross, but not conveinant
[7/22/2012 11:48:32 PM] Fao: XDDD
[7/22/2012 11:49:06 PM] Fao: poopbutty
[7/22/2012 11:49:18 PM] Fao: that's seriously a new one in my books
[7/22/2012 11:49:58 PM] Rowdy: flux: that
flux: is going right into it
flux: the poopbutty was obviously a whimsical answer
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Implying the person is whimiscal, what if they're childish?
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: There are a lot of babyfurs here, myself included
flux: what would probably go along with the same
flux: ;p
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: But when you use probably, you're ignoring that it's either yes or no
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Which would be yes, but in your favor
[7/22/2012 11:50:23 PM] Fao: :3
[7/22/2012 11:50:50 PM] Rowdy: flux: well I could say it could be childish or whimiscal
flux: since they kind of go hand and hand
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Not really, one is childish, like that man is a great big doo doo head
flux: like you decorate a child's room in a whimsical manner
flux: :Y
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Whimsical would imply that they're leading up to it, as you said
[7/22/2012 11:54:06 PM] Fao: go on?
[7/22/2012 11:54:12 PM] Rowdy: Thats it
[7/22/2012 11:54:13 PM] Kenshin: 8:52 PM - flux: Do you feel I team stack?
8:53 PM - {SCG} Kenshin Midori: Well I havent seen it myself, I don't really pay attention on who's where
[7/22/2012 11:54:17 PM] Rowdy: he haven't responded XD
[7/22/2012 11:54:20 PM] Kenshin: he recently asked me
[7/22/2012 11:55:04 PM] Rowdy: OH GOD
[7/22/2012 11:55:05 PM] Rowdy: TELLAH
[7/22/2012 11:55:06 PM] Rowdy: TELLAH
[7/22/2012 11:55:25 PM] Fao: heavenly?
[7/22/2012 11:55:29 PM] Tell: Spoony Furlock heavenly ?
[7/22/2012 11:55:55 PM] Rowdy: Even better
[7/22/2012 11:55:56 PM] Rowdy: flux: Never tell your password to anyone.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
8:53 PM - flux: Do you feel I team stack?
8:53 PM - PhD Charizard: no
flux: {SCG} Kenshin Midori is now Busy.
8:52 PM - flux: Do you feel I team stack?
8:53 PM - {SCG} Kenshin Midori: Well I havent seen it myself, I don't really pay attention on who's where
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Charizard is bias with us, as we've had problems with him before, and Kenshin not knowing something isn't an tool in an arguement
[7/22/2012 11:56:13 PM] Fao: XD
[7/22/2012 11:57:29 PM] Rowdy: flux: Never tell your password to anyone.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
8:54 PM - flux: Do you feel I team stack?
8:54 PM - flux: or ever see me actively team stacking?
8:55 PM - Ollie: Nope, not that I know of
8:55 PM - flux: thx
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: if I talked to Fbw
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: yeah*
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Does Ollie play rainbow though
flux: Yes
flux: all the time
flux: rainbow more than any other server
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: So that's two on my side, one on yours
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: ALSO
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: We're not even talking about teamstacking
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux throws straws at
flux: Still proving my point =]
flux: with people saying I do
flux: ;p
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: You didn't prove anything
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: Anyway, I have other things I need to attend to
{SCG} Rowdy the Crux: So I must bid you a good evening

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