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Discussion: MouseMart 2.0. Instant purchase and selling of items! posted in Archives

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Welcome back to MouseMart 2.0. Your one stop shop for all the items you could possibly need! Sad that you can't go to the nether in Boisonberry? Look no further! Just use /shop list and get started on your spending adventure!

/shop (help|h|?) (page) (or /s (h|?) (page))
        This command gives you access to the help pages of GiantShop! It will only show you the entries that you have access to as well!
    /shop list|l (page) (or /s l (page))
        This command will get all the items that are in the shop for you. The optional page parameter can be used to browse between pages!
  /shop check|c [item] (or /s c [item])
        This command will get all information on the given item from the database. The item can be both a name, or an id. Though incase a name is given, currently it should be noted that spaces should be replaced with a "". So if you were to for example want to check green wool you would enter the command as: /shop check green_wool or /shop check 35:5
    /shop buy|b [item] (amount) (or /s b [item] (amount))
        This command enables you to buy items from the shop! The item can be given both as a name, or id. However, when an item name contains a space, it is currently replaced with a "
". So if you were to for example want to buy 1 stack of green wool you would enter the command as: /shop buy green_wool or /shop buy 35:5
    /shop sell|s [item] (amount) (or /s s [item] (amount))
        This commands is almost the same as the buy command with the biggest difference being that this item sells back to the store!
    /shop gift|g [receiver] [item] (amount) (or /s g [receiver] [item] (amount))
        This command is one of GiantShop key points! Because this command enables you to gift that special someone a nice little item from the shop! :) It works almost the same as the buy command with the addition that in this case you add a parameter with the name of the receiving user.

Last edited : by Administration

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