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Discussion: JJKoshane's Ban Appeal posted in Archives

Hey i was banned from the SCG Tekkit minecraft server. Yes the screenshot "Wolfie" took was ALMOST as bad as it looked. When the truth was he sat there and kept taunting and aggrovating me. So i snapped i got rid of the fire BEFORE the fire started to spread and BEFORE he put done water with his bucket. So i stopped the crisis in which i could have started. And even if a couple blocks were burned i could pay "Kenshin" (the owner of the house) Back 10X more and even rebuild it. Basicly to sum it up. I was being pushed to the edge by Kara and Wolfie and they wouldnt stop with the insults so i basicly snapped. That is the story and the reason why i think i should be un-banned. ;D P.S: It wont happen again. Also a un-ban from the teamspeak would hurt either.  :'(

Appeal was denied , reason : See post below.

Last edited : by Administration

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