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Discussion: SCG General Rules and how we respond posted in Archives


  1. Being dickholes
    There is a fine line between making a joke and being funny, and being a prick and an asshole. We know that difference and won't let the latter of the two concepts slide.

  2. Humor
    Humor is a subjective concept, one thing that may make someone laugh could easily offend or bother someone else. Fact of the matter is, there are too many ways to piss of too many people that we can't enforce a solid rule that keeps stuff in line. So just have a sense of humor, if someone says something you don't enjoy listening to, don't make a big scene about it. If you feel as those they've stepped a line, let us know.

  3. Behavior
    Just be a bro, know that you're playing games and when you get pissed off at them you will piss off us, your friends, and any potential friends. Obviously, there are a lot of factors someone can get mad at, but there is no reason you can't talk to me or others about it in a civilized way. Same goes for acting like a hornball or being overly excited in general. This isn't high school.



Same as above, you're playing a game with Sandvich eating Russians and hats galore. It's not a serious game and you're a fool for trying to get mad at it. If you're looking for a competitive serious game, get some friends together and hit up Vanilla. Want to just do silly shit? Play rainbow! Everything in between is Chocolate.

Watch the server messages, you'll know what map is up where, if you can't find something you like, just take a break.

Micspam is fine, we allow it like we always have. The rules we have on it are simple, don't play the same thing every goddamn day, and don't explode our ears with it. If you can follow those two easy concepts, you'll be awesome.

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